Women Psychology homework 4

—————–Please complete the content and comment on the contents of the following two students————————-

Go to the Women’s eNews Web site, http://www.womensenews.org. Find a current article about a woman or group of women who are of a different race, ethnicity, or cultural identity from you, preferably a group about which you know little to nothing, but would like to learn more about. For this forum:

a. Provide a BRIEF summary of the article.

b. Tell us why you chose this article

c. What did you learn about the differences and similarities between you and the woman/women you read about.

d. Include the link to the article. Forum posts without a link, or with a link that does not work will automatically be docked five points.

1 ?

For today’s discussion board activity I chose the article Legal Abortion is on the line in the US: What Will You Do? By Merle Hoffman written in the website womensnews.org. The article talks about how abortion was conducted in back alleys with shrouded secrecy and many dangers both physically and medically. The article also mentions how emotionally stressful it is for a woman to go through the process of abortion and how they arrive at the decision of getting an abortion. The other aspect the article talks about is the way in which a few states such as Alabama have passed laws to criminalize the act of getting an abortion and have also passed laws which can jail doctors who administer the process of abortion for up to 99 years. The reason as to why I chose this topic is because I am a person who believes that any person be it female or male has the inherent right to make their own decisions regarding their body no matter the outcome. Out if this belief comes the thought that any women in the world should have the inherent right to choose the fate of her body and choose for herself when and if she wants to become a mother. I feel that a women who chooses to get an abortion is mentally very resilient and is doing so with a high level of consciousness and this is supported by the author of the article. I also like to talk about abortion in my home country India where it is legal to get an abortion from a practicing gynecologists and even though it is culturally frowned upon by the society to get an abortion there were nearly 15.6 million women who chose to get an abortion. The government chose to legalize on the basis that if it is not legal then women would choose to get an abortion in unsafe manners which may sometimes lead to death of the women.


Link to article: https://womensenews.org/2019/05/legal-reproductive-choice-is-on-the-line-in-the-us-what-will-you-do/


In the article ” From an Unremarkable Birth, to a Remarkable Life”, by Nasreen Sheikh, she narrates her story while living in a southern village in Nepal. She talks about her past experience when she was young. She was exploited, living in horrible conditions, working long hours in the prison. She was basically a slave in this rural village. “From the moment of her birth, society tells the rural girl child that her existence is unremarkable,”. She explains that women did not have a word, they were basically slaves. Also, during that time women were forced to get married but right before that happened to her, she escaped from that prison. After that, things started to change. She started to help women that experienced the same struggle as her. She created a company that promotes women empowerment, equality, and more.“I envision a world where women are leaders in their communities, they are in control of their own lives, their own rights, and their own decisions.” – Nasreen

The reason for picking this article is because it seemed very interesting to me. Just by reading the title gave me this sense of women self-improvement and progress. Some of the differences that I learned between the author and I is that her past experiences were more rough and harder compared to me. The similarities is that we both improved and progress in life. I also came from very different living conditions compared to what I have today. When I was young I used to live in Mexico. It was very different, limited and harder compared to today.
