Who Am I: Part 1 (35 points)

This unit covers theories of personality, so your task is to go on a quest for knowledge about your own unique personality. This assignment will be divided in to two parts, each is worth 35 points.


“Who AM I?” may be more of a loaded question than you originally thought. Understanding who we are is a lifelong developmental process requiring an analysis of our thoughts, feelings, values, attitudes and experiences. Who we are, or our Self Concept, changes as we gain new insight into our experiences. Basically, Self Concept can be defined as how you think and feel about yourself and encompasses your Self Image and Self Esteem. Discovering who we are takes a conscious effort to explore how we perceive ourselves and how we relate to others in the world around us.

To gain a better understanding of your Self Concept and answer the question of “Who Am I” it is important that you examine your personality. An analysis of your thoughts and feelings about yourself and the world around you can assist you in this process. Through part one of this assignment, you will complete a series of assessment instruments designed to provide you with some insight/feedback into your Self Concept and Personality. Then you will be asked to write a brief reflection piece on your process. Part two of this assignment will be your completion of your own Johari Window (See Who Am I: Part 2).

Your first step in answering “Who Am I” is to complete the following free online assessments.  These assessments are designed to give you insight into your self concept and your personality.

Required Assessments

The First Required Assessment: examines your Self Esteem. To access the assessment, click the link below and follow the directions given. Once you complete the Self Esteem assessment, remember to record the results given.


The Second Required Assessment: Now it is time to look at your personality. The first assessment to complete will examine your Temperament through the completion of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II. After completing this assessment you will be characterized as an Artisan, Guardian, Rational or Idealist. Record your results and the subsequent description that follows. Click the link below to begin the assessment:

Keirsey Temperament Sorter II

NEED MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR TEMPERAMENT? Click on the link below for a more detailed explanation of your Keirsey Temperament. Remember to complete the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II to obtain your temperament before clicking this link.

Keirsey Temperament Descriptions

The Third Required Assessment: The third required assessment is based on C. G. Jung’s concept of personality types. The answers you will receive from this assessment are similar to those rendered by the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator® (MBTI) or other Jungian personality tests. There are two steps to completing this assessment:

Step One

Click on the link below and answer the questions as directed. Once completed you will be given a four letter “type” Record the four letter type and go on to step two.

MBTI Personality Assessment

Step Two

Now that you have your four letter type, the next step is to understand what this type says about who you are. Click on the link below and you will enter a site that outlines a description of every available type. Locate your type on the site and click it and you will be presented with its detailed description.

MBTI Personality Types

The Fourth Required Assessment: This assessment is based on the five-factor model or otherwise known as the Big Five (see page 461 of your text). Again, there are two steps to completing this assessment:

Step One

Click on the link below and answer the questions as directed. Make certain that you record your results and information provided at the end of the test.

Big Five One

Step Two

Click on the link below and answer the questions as directed. Once again, record your results and information provided at the end of the test.

Big Five Two

Additional Required Assessments: Once you have completed the above you should have some insight into your personality and your Self Concept. With this understanding it is time for you to think about other components of your personality that you would like to examine. The following is a list of resources that can give you additional information about yourself. Choose AT LEAST THREE of the assessments listed below to complete. Choose ones that you feel will contribute to your understanding of “Who Am I” and are of most interest to you. Feel free to complete more than three of the following since these are short assessments providing only basic information.

Procrastination Test Self-Disclosure
Assertiveness Communication Skills Anxiety Test
Listening Skills Self Monitoring

Required Reflection Paper:

Now that you have taken all of the assessments, it is time to discuss your thoughts about these types of assessment tools. Write a short (1 to 3 pages) response about your experience. This is NOT the time to answer the “WHO AM I” question – that is what part 2 is for. Your goal in this paper is to discuss the process of taking the tests. Following is a list of questions/ideas to get you started:

Did you enjoy taking these tests? Why or why not?

Do you feel as though your results accurately described you? Why or why not?

Do you feel as though these tests were helpful in gaining a better understanding of your personality?

Do you believe that online tests like these are reliable? Think about the two Big Five tests, were your scores consistent across both tests?

Do you believe that these tests are valid? Think about some of the questions asked, did they appear to be measuring what the test was for? (This is a type of validity known as face validity)

Feel free to discuss anything else that comes to mind regarding your experience.