Week 4 Discussion: Horizontal and vertical violence in Nursing

Week 4 Discussion: Horizontal and vertical violence in Nursing

NSG 6630 Week 4 Discussion: Horizontal and vertical violence in Nursing

As a nursing administrator, how will you prevent horizontal and vertical violence in nursing and healthcare?

Identify two strategies you would use as a nurse administrator to create a zero tolerance for horizontal or vertical violence.

Analyze what you believe are two reasons nurses do not report horizontal or vertical violence in healthcare organizations.

Determine what you believe are two linkages between horizontal or vertical violence and impacts on quality of care and patient safety.


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NSG 6630 Week 5 Discussion

Explain at least three evidence-based strategies for integrating research into nursing leadership.

Compare and contrast how research influences patient care and quality outcomes versus practicing from tradition.

Analyze what you envision as the nurse administrator’s role in shaping evidence-based practice and nursing research in your clinical setting.

Evaluate the role of the nurse administrator in staff performance and management and collective bargaining.

Discuss the nurse administrator’s role in helping nurses develop a professional development plan (PDP).

Explain how meetings can serve as productive engagement with nurses and staff and provide an opportunity to identify the actions required to meet the organization’s goals and mission.

NSG 6630 Week 5 Project

Measuring and Improving Patient Outcomes—Part 2

In W3: Assignment, you began describing and analyzing the process of measuring and improving patient outcomes in your practicum setting .This week, you will build upon your work by continuing your analysis and conducting a SWOT analysis .You will submit your assignment in the format of a presentation .

Begin this assignment by incorporating the instructor’s feedback on the assignment you submitted in Week 3 .

Then, prepare a 8–10-slide PowerPoint presentation covering the following:

Present the information you described in W3: Assignment 2, including the following:

The measurements or outcome metrics being utilized in your practicum setting to gather and monitor patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data .

The current process of how, when, and by whom these data are collected .

The frequency with which the data are collected .

The process for sharing patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data with nurses, staff members, and other members of the healthcare delivery team .

Analyze the current status of the healthcare organization with respect to patient satisfaction and outcomes to date .

Conduct a SWOT analysis of the process followed by your practicum setting to measure and improve patient satisfaction and outcomes .Use the SWOT matrix to present your analysis .

Examine the role of the nurse leader in the structure, process, and outcome of gathering and monitoring patient satisfaction and patient outcomes data .

Use APA style and formatting for your assignment .Make sure to include the following in your presentation:

A title and a reference slide (these do not count toward the number of slides in your assignment)

Headings for each slide or section

Speaker notes in support of the information in each slide