Week 4 Assignment 1 -Normal Distribution

Week 4 Assignment 1 -Normal Distribution

Week 4 Assignment 1 -Normal Distribution

Week 4 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq Normal Distribution -South University

The majority of the data is normally distributed if there are enough subjects. For instance, if you collected test scores of only a few honor students, the data will most likely not be normally distributed because you would have a sample that did not represent the entire population. But the identical test scores (for honor students) collected from all schools in a state will result in a normal distribution.

Identify an example of a population that you would expect to be normally distributed. Explain why, according to you, it would be normally distributed. Then, describe a subset of the population you identified and explain why it would not be normally distributed and what the distribution would look like.

Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your textbook and course readings. Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates as early in the week as possible. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Using questions and seeking clarifications are good ways to make your reviews substantive!

Week 4 Assignment 1 -Normal Distribution


NSG 4075 NSG/4075 NSG4075 Week 7 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq Poverty and the Community -South University

Poverty and the Community

What is the poverty level in your community? How many people live below the poverty level in your community? What does this mean for your community (what issues arise from the poverty level and the number of people below the poverty level)? Justify your response based on the readings or articles from the South University Online Library.

Week 4 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq Topic 1 -South University You own an automobile parts company and have been approached by a leading car manufacturer to supply parts to the company. How would you determine that the car manufacturer has a good record.