Week 4 Assignment 1 DQ -Implementation of the Intervention

Week 4 Assignment 1 DQ -Implementation of the Intervention

Week 4 Assignment 1 DQ -Implementation of the Intervention

Week 4 Assignment 1 Discussion/Dq Implementation of the Intervention -South University

Implementation of the Intervention

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research and read about various approaches to interventions and various settings in which these interventions can occur. You can also visit your local or state health department’s websites and look for journal articles that address the approaches to interventions.

Based on your research, express your views on the following:

  • Identify and describe a health issue or disease and recommend an intervention. You may utilize the health issue from week one or choose another issue. In your description, include social determinants or causes and data that demonstrates why this is a health issue.
  • Is the intervention level (primary, secondary, and tertiary) and settings chosen justified? Why or why not?
  • What are the issues surrounding implementation of the intervention and its potential success?
  • What are the roles of government (Federal, State, and Local) and nongovernmental agencies in the development of the recommended prevention and/or intervention program?


SOC308 SOC/308 SOC 308 Week 2 Discussion 1/DQ 1 Legacy of Slavery -Ashford University

Listen to or read Dr. King’s speech, I Have a Dream. Then, respond to the following:

  • Dr. King’s famous speech envisions a future in which the racial distinction established by slavery and segregation is no more. Define what Dr. King’s refrain, free at last, looks like to you and how our society will need to change in order to achieve it.
  • Even in today’s society, there are economic and cultural inequalities, the causes of which we can trace back to slavery. Evaluate an inequality in today’s society (think about inequalities in education, income, wealth, popular culture, etc.) and explain the ways in which the legacy of slavery may have led to that inequality.

Your initial post for each discussion should be a minimum of 250 words. Use scholarly sources to support your responses. Include citations and references in APA style. Review the posts of your peers, focusing on solutions. What can you do to help? Respond to at least two of your classmates posts by Day 7. Be sure to review the discussion board grading rubric located in the online course.