Unit 2 Civilization 25 MCQ’s with 1 written

Unit 2 Civilization 25 MCQ’s with 1 written

Unit 2 Civilization 25 MCQ’s with 1 written

GED 130 Introduction to Civilization

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1) Anyang:

A) is one of the most extensively investigated archaeological sites in China. B) was the last capital of the Zhou dynasty. C) was mentioned in Shang texts, though it was referred to by a different name. D) was the center of a small empire about 30 miles in diameter.

2) Which of the following innovations was developed first?

A) Longshan ceramics. B) farming with domesticated animals. C) the crossbow. D) Yangshao penal code.

3) What did the first cities in the Americas have in common with the first cities of Asia?

A) use of pack animals B) use of the wheel C) use of draft animals D) use of metal tools

4) The Teotihuacaccent(a)n civilization:

A) flourished on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. B) was destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors. C) built the Pyramid of the Sun. D) never expanded more than a few miles beyond the borders of the city.

5) Tikal:

A) is located near present-day Mexico City. B) extended its influence well beyond the city boundaries. C) was notable for its lack of pyramids. D) flourished until it was destroyed by the Spanish.

6) Early urbanization in South America:

A) was not significant until about 500 C.E. B) followed a much different path than that typical in Mesoamerica. C) centered on religious shrines. D) was spurred by the high volume of trade with Mesoamerica.

7) The Popol Vuh contains the creation myth of the:

A) the Inca civilization. B) the Aztec civilization. C) Roman Catholic conquistadores from Spain. D) the Mayan civilization.


Unit 2 Examination


GED 130 Introduction to Civilization

8) The South American civilization known for its enormous “geoglyphs,” best seen in an aerial view is:

A) the Huari. B) the Tiwanaka. C) the Inca. D) the Nazca.

9) The Bantu:

A) migrated thousands of miles to southern Africa. B) were well-known for their copper-shaping skills. C) only settled regions far south of the Niger River. D) never did practice agriculture.

10) In the Niger River valley, the primary urban settlement that has been excavated suggests:

A) cities cannot develop without the pre-existence of hierarchical social organization. B) written language is fundamental for the organization of an urban center. C) the development of cities is contingent upon the development of a centralized political authority. D) that cities may develop without the need for hierarchy, centralization, government structure, or written language.

11) The impact of the Bantu culture can be seen in which of the following regions:

A) Madagascar B) Egypt C) the Saharan Desert D) the Kalahari Desert

12) The Akkadian empire:

A) connected Mesopotamia to the eastern Mediterranean coast. B) reached its greatest height under Hammurabi. C) lasted for nearly six centuries. D) was led by Elamites.

13) The Assyrians:

A) asserted their empire on three separate occasions. B) never managed to extend their empire to the Mediterranean. C) failed in their bid to conquer Egypt. D) were descendants of the Hittites.

Unit 2 Examination


GED 130 Introduction to Civilization

14) During the reign of Cyrus II, the Royal Road of the Persian Empire connected which of the following cities?

A) Sardis and Susa B) Byzantium and Persepolis C) Memphis and Babylon D) Athens and Kandahar

15) The Greek city-state:

A) was kept small by wars with the Persian empire. B) had political powers analogous to that of a state within the United States. C) typically had populations exceeding 100,000. D) usually centered on a single city.

16) The archaeological discoveries of Heinrich Schliemann in the 1870s revealed evidence to support what had previously been considered myths concerning which two kingdoms?

A) Troy and Mycenae B) Troy and Macedonia C) Troy and Minos D) Troy and Sparta

17) Phillip II of Macedon:

A) conquered the Persian empire. B) was a skilled warrior, but a poor diplomat. C) was tutored by Socrates. D) wanted to bring peace to the Greek city-states.

18) Which of the following empires began as city-states?

A) Macedonian and Greek B) Mesopotamian and Egyptian C) Mesopotamian and Greek D) Egyptian and Persian

19) Alexander the Great extended his empire as far east as which of the following?

A) the Aral Sea B) Egypt C) Arabia D) the Indus River

Unit 2 Examination

72 Unit 2 Civilization 25 MCQ’s with 1 written

GED 130 Introduction to Civilization

20) The Struggle of the Orders was:

A) primarily a religious conflict. B) settled when the patricians suppressed the plebeians by force. C) ameliorated substantially by the expansion of imperial Rome. D) a conflict between plebeians and patricians.

21) Rome’s armies:

A) spent little time developing new technology. B) required few male citizens to actually serve in it. C) were often made up in part by men from conquered regions. D) were paid for primarily by taxes on Roman citizens.

22) Stoicism held all of the following principles, except:

A) a person should accept all events dispassionately. B) a person should accept the world as it is. C) a person should treat other people decently, even if they are from a lower social class. D) the world is an irrational place.

23) Under the leadership of Emperor Constantine:

A) the Roman Empire was purged of its eastern characteristics. B) the Justinian legal code was spread throughout the empire. C) Constantinople served as the sister-capital of Rome. D) the Hagia Sophia was constructed in 532 C.E.

24) A significant reason that the Byzantine Empire survived for 1000 years after Rome had fallen was:

A) the more extensive geographic scope of the eastern empire. B) the lack of large urban centers. C) its legal separation of the socioeconomic classes. D) its much more efficient administration of government.

25) Which of the following groups migrated to Carthage, then across the Mediterranean Sea to Rome?

A) Huns B) Angles, Saxons, Jutes C) Visigoths D) Vandals, Alans, Sueves

Unit 2 Examination

73 Unit 2 Civilization 25 MCQ’s with 1 written

GED130 Introduction to Civilization

Written Assignment for Unit Two

• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number on each page of your written assignment (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).

• Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).

• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e. an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).

• Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.

Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to written assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit written assignments that fall in the following ranges:

Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages. Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages. Doctoral courses: 750 – 1000 words or 4 – 5 pages.


All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course Syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.

Please answer ONE of the following:

1) Exactly what is an empire? How does it grow? What are the typical functions performed by an empire, and what are the main causes that typically lead to an empire’s decline and demise?

2) Explain Socrates’ reasoning in passing up the chance to escape his sentence after being condemned to death on fabricated charges.

3) Explain how Pompeii and Herculaneum have given historians good information about Roman life.