Types of Memory Failure Assignment

Types of Memory Failure Assignment

Types of Memory Failure Assignment

You will persuade your audience (the class) to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria.

Distinguish between the 7 types of memory failure (transience [forgetting curve], absentmindedness [attention issues], blocking, memory misattribution [source memory & false recognition], suggestibility, bias [consistency, change & a egocentric bias], and persistence) and know examples of each.

Why is emotional memory often stronger?

Chapter 7 Learning:

Know the definition of the four phases of classical conditioning (acquisition, extinction, second-order conditioning and spontaneous recovery).

Distinguish between unconditioned stimulus (US), conditioned stimulus (CS), unconditioned response (UR), and conditioned response (CR). If given an example of learning through classical conditioning, be able to identify US, CS, UR, and CR

Know what the Rescorla-Wagner model suggests about classical conditioning

Know how learned food/taste aversions occur

Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement, and between positive and negative punishment

Know what strengthens and weakens the effect of punishment and the effect of reinforcement

Distinguish between reinforcers and punishments

Know how extinction is used in a classical conditioning experiment

Distinguish between generalization and discrimination

Know the area of the brain that is activated during eye blink and fear conditioning

Know the definition of habituation

Know the major pleasure centers of the brain and the direction that neurons pass through them

Distinguish between fixed-ratio and variable-ratio schedules

Know the study that Albert Bandura conducted.

Types of Memory Failure Assignment



  • LENGTH – Your presentation will last from two minutes – two minutes and thirty seconds. Any longer or shorter will reduce your grade.
  • ORGANIZATION – You will organize your presentation based on Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. See pp. 290-291 in your textbook.
  • OUTLINE – You will turn in a complete sentence outline in the dropbox. Look at pp. 246-247 in your textbook for information and be sure to note how references are formatted (pp. 247).
  • REFERENCES – You should have at least two credible references in your bibliography.Know the area of the brain that is activated during eye blink and fear conditioningKnow the definition of habituationKnow the major pleasure centers of the brain and the direction that neurons pass through them

    Distinguish between fixed-ratio and variable-ratio schedules

    Know the study that Albert Bandura conducted