Trisha Duperval

The phrase “the pursuit of happiness” denotes  agentic volition . Realistically speaking, what are some of the challenges of defining “happiness” in universal terms?



The pursuit of happiness depends on the individual.  “Pursuit” is to look for, what you believe will please you. People believe something they do will make them very please and happy in life. “Happiness is both cognitive evaluations of life such as life-satisfaction, and affective enjoyment of life, such as mood level” (Cummins, R., 2000).  “Happiness” realistically can be anything. Some people might find happiness when making money consistently, some might find growing a garden as happiness, etc. Everyone have their own definition of happiness. The problem with defining happiness is sometimes people give it a simple definition like, “Happiness is the state of being happy”. The definition is always changing and the definition is always defined by a person’s own perspective.


Cummins, R. (2000). “Journal of Happiness Studies “An Interdisciplinary Forum on Subjective

Well-Being. Retrieved from

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21 hours ago

Kendra Ogdahl 

The Pursuit of Happiness

The pursuit of happiness is a very generalized phrase that applies to many, but with different meanings.  Most people may view a generalization about happiness which can mean getting married, having kids, living in a beautiful home, and having a successful career. However, this is a generalization which does not hold true to everyone so it can be challenging to define happiness in universal terms. It’s hard to define happiness because it’s someone’s emotional state and what makes one person happy, might not have the same meaning to another person. A person’s happiness can vary based on what they consider the standards of quality of life starting with the basics such as food and increasing to additional levels which include the need for security and love (Ye, 2015). Some cultures standard for quality of life may be at the basic level and if this is met, they are happy while other cultures strive for higher levels and if those higher levels are not met, then they are not happy.

Furthermore, it’s quite possible that in someone’s pursuit of happiness, they end up with the opposite and ultimately feel depressed and unhappy. In The Pursuit of Happiness Can Be Lonely (Mauss, 2012), the authors discuss how someone’s desire to be happy may actually have the opposite effect and provide negative consequences. An example of this would be someone working so hard to achieve their career goals that they lose connection with friends and family. They may be happy in their job but socially, this person has jeopardized their personal relationships and has no one to celebrate with. So while they are happy in one aspect of their life, they are unhappy in another. Therefore, this truly does not define their happiness.

Mauss, I., Savino, N., Anderson, C., Weisbuch, M., Tamir, M., & Laudenslager, M., (2012). The Pursuit of Happiness Can Be Lonely. Emotion, 12(5), 908-912. Retrieved from:, D., Ng, Y., & Lian, Y. (2015). Culture and happiness. Social Indicators Research, 123(2), 519-547. doi:

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7 hours ago

Jacob Mier 

Week 1 Discussion 1

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not “guesses” but reliable accounts of the real world. 

Today we use the word “Theory” extremely loosely. A theory is not an educated guess. A theory has been carefully analyzed and is ready for testing. A theory takes time to develop. People today throw the term around for something they have knowledge on but did not do the proper research to form. The knowledge they have is general and that is what they actually mean. They have a general guess. For example, an individual might say they have a theory as to why one sports team would win against their rival. This is not the correct use of the word given that it is not a fact that one will win over the other. One team may be better than the other but this is something you can not test and prove to be a fact. 

A hypothesis is a more accurate word for people to use. It is a possible explanation that can be tested. 

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