Treatment Plan for Recovery and Stabilization

Treatment Plan for Recovery and Stabilization

Treatment Plan for Recovery and Stabilization

As a part of improving skills for developing appropriate interventions, you will design a treatment plan that focuses on recovery and is appropriate for the particular client being treated.

In this assignment, shift your focus from stabilization to the recovery aspect of treatment.

Click here to study a vignette.


Treatment Plan for Recovery and Stabilization

Treatment Plan for Recovery and Stabilization Tasks:

Based on the information provided in the vignette, design a treatment plan for Veronica, including the following elements:

  • Grieving
  • Cognitive restructuring of faulty beliefs
  • Insight and behavioral change

Veronica has been in treatment for a couple of months, and you are now designing a comprehensive treatment plan focused on her stabilization.

Create a 2- to 3-page Treatment Plan for Recovery and Stabilization plan in a Microsoft Word document describing how you will achieve the following:

  • Describe in narrative form how you will establish the therapeutic goals for the treatment and how you will make certain Veronica takes an active role in the identification of those goals.
  • Analyze and explain specific interventions that are helpful to Veronica in this stage.
  • Analyze and explain the therapeutic homework and the treatment for Veronica in case of acute symptoms of PTSD between sessions.
  • Identify and explain the specific interventions to help Veronica achieve the reconnection stage of recovery.
  • Analyze and explain long-term goals, short-term objectives, and the therapeutic interventions of the treatment plan.

Apply current APA standards for editorial style; expression of ideas; and format of text, citations, and references.

Click here to access the template.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, save your document as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the Submissions Area.

This assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

FP6525 Module 2 Assignment 2 Vignette Analysis

Treatment Plan for Stabilization

An important part of the skills you will improve in developing appropriate interventions is designing a treatment plan focusing on stabilization that is appropriate to the particular client treated.

In this assignment, you will create a treatment plan for stabilization based on the information provided in the vignette.

Given below is the vignette.


You are the crisis intervention counselor at the hospital where Alice is hospitalized. After obtaining the information mentioned in the vignette, design a 3- to 4-page treatment plan, with a focus on the stabilization of the client.

Your plan should include how you will achieve the following:

  • The development of a therapeutic relationship, given the fact that Alice may not think she needs your services

  • The client’s physical and emotional safety

  • The establishment or restoration of a normal routine for the client

Use the given template to write your treatment plan for the identified problem, behavioral description, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and therapeutic interventions

While facilitating emphasize the following:

Students may need close guidance in the completion of this assignment. You should encourage students to contact you via e-mails with any questions they have early on in the week.

To be able to complete this assignment successfully, students should have read the assigned readings and the information posted about treatment planning development.

Students should mention the concrete steps to ensure the client’s emotional and physical well-being, such as:

· Enlisting the help of people the client trusts who can help with reality-testing, impressing on the client the danger she is in.

· Even if the client does not agree that she is in danger, talking to the client’s doctor (with the client’s permission, and we assume that you are on the same treatment team anyway) to find out if the hospital has reported the incident to the police for investigation as a criminal matter. If so, help the client talk to a victim advocate to gather more information about domestic violence.

· Talking to the client about specific ways to protect herself even if she thinks she might not need it. For example:

o Carrying a mobile phone with her all times, with preprogrammed numbers of friends, police, and emergency medical care (911).

o Carrying identification with a card stating whom to call in case of an emergency, in case she is found by strangers, and they need to contact next of kin.

o Making plans to take a personal defense class.

o Having a safe place to store duplicate car keys in case she needs to run from the house and needs to access her car to escape.

· Students should mention the return of the client to her home and work and how they envision this happening after being in the hospital. Encouraging the client not to go on a trip until after she has been home and has recovered completely from her injuries.

· Treatment planning:

o The behavioral description should describe Alice’s situation in an objective manner.

o Long-term goals should include having Alice understand the cycle of violence in domestic abuse and getting her to be willing to accept she has been a victim of domestic violence.

o Short-term objectives should include planning for safety.

Therapeutic interventions will describe the actions taken by the therapist, such as assessment, individual therapy, or counseling; provision of relevant material about domestic violence; referral to a victim’s advocate; coordination of treatment with her physician; and collection of collateral information, support, or both.

FP6525 Module 3 Assignment 2 Case Vignette Assessment

An important part of the skills you will develop in this course is the ability to design appropriate interventions, and that includes designing an assessment strategy appropriate to the particular client treated. In this assignment, you will create an assessment strategy based on the information provided in the vignette. This assignment is to be completed individually.

Given below is the vignette.


You are the therapist Laurel chose to work with, and you give Laurel an appointment to conduct an intake in order to start the assessment process. During that appointment, she relays to you the information mentioned in the vignette. Using the information found in the vignette, provide a preliminary diagnosis of the client according to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) criteria.

Create a 2- to 3-page paper describing the assessment tools you will use. In your paper, include the following:

  • A description of the steps you will take to make Laurel feel comfortable in confiding in you.

  • A description of what methods you will use to continue with the assessment process, knowing this may take three to four visits. Be specific if you are considering using any instruments or questionnaires. Explain the rationale for using each method and indicate what information you expect to find by using them.

  • Given the information you know at this point, what would be your provisional diagnosis of Laurel?

  • Look at a diagnosis for this exercise.

  • You may consider rule-outs. Any diagnosis you give should have an explanation of the criteria or symptoms supporting your choice.

While facilitating emphasize the following:

Students may need close guidance in the completion of this assignment. You should encourage students to contact you via e-mails with any questions they have early in the week.

To be able to complete this assignment successfully, students should have a basic understanding of psychopathology (maladaptive behavior) and be familiar with the use of DSM.

Guidelines to assess the assignment are as follows:

· Students should talk about establishing rapport with the client, as well as asking the client what the therapist can do to make the client feel safe during the sessions.

· Students should talk about being supportive and not confrontational during the assessment process.

· Students should mention discussing issues of confidentiality with the client.

· Assessment methods should include:

o Obtaining the client’s psychosocial history (including family, social, educational, vocational, relationships, legal, medical, mental health, and substance abuse)

o Conducting a mental status exam (MSE)

o Obtaining collateral information (medical records or other pertinent records) if the client gives permission; at least mentioning they would ask the client

o   Psychological testing as appropriate (if therapist is qualified to do so), such as objective and projective measures

· Risk assessment—whether client is safe from self-harming or other harming thoughts or behaviors

· The provisional diagnosis should include (with appropriate DSM code):

o Ruling out posttraumatic stress disorder

o Ruling out a depressive disorder (either major depressive disorder or dysthymic disorder)

o Acute stress disorder by history

You will post general feedback about this assignment after all of them have been graded and individual feedback given to students. If there are trends in mistakes, they should be specifically pointed out with a detailed explanation.


Treatment Plan for Recovery and Stabilization

FP6525 Module 4 Assignment 2 Vignette Analysis

A Treatment Plan for Recovery

As a part of improving skills for developing appropriate interventions, you will design a treatment plan that focuses on recovery and is appropriate for the particular client being treated.

In this assignment, shift your focus from stabilization to the recovery aspect of treatment.

Given below is the vignette


Based on the information provided in the vignette, design a treatment plan for Veronica, including the following elements:

  • Grieving
  • Cognitive restructuring of faulty beliefs
  • Insight and behavioral change

Veronica has been in treatment for a couple of months, and you are now designing a comprehensive treatment plan focused on her stabilization.

Create a 2- to 3-page plan in a Microsoft Word document describing how you will achieve the following:

  • Establishment of therapeutic goals for this part of the treatment: Explain how you will discuss these goals with Veronica and how you will make sure she takes an active role in the identification of those goals.
  • Processing of traumatic events: Describe specific interventions helpful to her in this stage. What kinds of therapeutic homework would you assign to her? What should Veronica do between sessions if she is having acute symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that she cannot manage on her own?

Apply current APA standards for editorial style; expression of ideas; and format of text, citations, and references.

Given below is the template.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • By Module 4, Day 7, save your document as M4_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M4 Assignment 2 Dropbox.  

While facilitating emphasize the following:

The vignette was summarized and modified from Case 4: Posttraumatic stress disorder, from the book Casebook in Abnormal Psychology, Third Edition, by Timothy A. Brown and David H. Barlow (2007), published by Thomson/Wadsworth. This reference is not given to students because this chapter discusses the case extensively.

Students may need close guidance in the completion of this assignment. You should encourage students to contact you via e-mail with any questions they have early on in the week.

To be able to complete this assignment successfully, students should have read the assigned readings and the information posted about treatment planning development.

Post a feedback summary after providing students with individualized feedback on their assignments. The general feedback should particularly note any common mistakes and use the opportunity to point students to additional resources that might help them understand the material better.

FP6525 Module 5 Assignment 1 Recovery for Different Populations

As a clinician, or as a criminal justice system employee, you will interact with people from different walks of life, because of such things as their ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, or sexual orientation. All people see the world through the lens of their own background and experience, and we cannot impose our own values and experience on the experience of others.

This assignment is designed to broaden your understanding of what it means for different groups to interpret and recover from trauma.


In a minimum of 300 words, respond to the following:

  • Identify a population different from your own personal background. Research at least three scholarly resources from the professional literatureThe literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov). Report your findings regarding the definition of trauma and the resources used to heal from traumatic experiences.
  • Discuss any potential problems you may expect if you were to treat a person from the selected background (such as their beliefs are different from yours). You may also recommend books or films if you find any to further illustrate your point.
  • Reflect on your attitudes toward victims. Have your attitudes toward victims changed? Explain how they have or have not changed.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • By Module 5, Day 3, post your responses to this Discussion Area.

  • Through Module 5, Day 7, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. While responding, compare the similarities and differences between what you have constructed and what your classmates have.

FP6525 Module 5 Assignment 2 RA 2 The Literature Review

Complete the literature review you began in Module 1. Follow the general guidelines for the project and make sure you comply with all the requirements listed in the overview of this project.

Your completed project should effectively draw out any contradictions found in your research.


Create a 12- to 14-page paper addressing the following:

  • Develop and organize the topic in a cohesive and logical manner.
  • Present the literature review in a professional and scholarly manner with correct spelling and grammar and avoid the use of colloquialisms or informal writing.
  • Apply current APA standards for editorial style; expression of ideas; and format of text, citations, and references.
  • Include a title page, a running title on each page, headings, an abstract page, text pages, and references.
  • List at least eight references and use them appropriately through the discussion of the project.
  • Present your conclusions, make suggestions for future research or practice, and address the potentially differing opinions in this area of interest.
  • Create at least three discussion questions that facilitate meaningful discourse on the issues.
  • Cite the references appropriately.

Your paper should rely upon scholarly resources from the professional literature. The literature may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • By Module 5, Day 5save your paper as M5_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit it to the M5 Assignment 2 RA 2 Dropbox.

RA 2 is worth 300 points and will be graded according to the following rubric.

To grade a project in the A range, look for the following qualities:

  • The idea in the project is original, logical, and coherently organized.

  • The writer provides a clear and persuasive argument (even if the reader disagrees with the argument).

  • The idea and argument are supported with specific, relevant evidence.

  • The points supporting the assessment are clearly articulated.

  • The writing is devoid of ambiguity or grammatical mistakes.

To grade a project in the B range, look for the following qualities:

  • No mechanical errors.

  • Contains relevant and substantial information.

  • The writing is cohesive, and the idea is logically organized.

  • The transition between the paragraphs is smooth.

  • The idea is well-developed and unified around a clear principle.

  • The opening paragraph builds the relevance for the reader.

  • The closing paragraph provides a logical conclusion.

  • The theme in the opening and closing paragraph matches.

To grade a project in the C range, look for the following qualities:

  • The project is competent but lacks both imagination and intellectual rigor.

  • The project has met the assignment criterion and has a few mechanical errors.

  • It is reasonably well organized.

  • The idea is not presented logically and is based around vague generalities.

  • The opening paragraph tries a vague attempt to build relevance for the reader.

  • The closing paragraph provides a conclusion with a degree of ambiguity.

  • The writing is choppy and redundant.

To grade a project in the D range, look for the following qualities:

  • The idea is provided in a very rudimentary style without proper logic.

  • The project is not well organized, and a number of themes are intertwined without any coherence.
  • Lacks proper proofreading, and sentences are awkward with serious grammatical errors.

  • Weak support or persuasiveness in the argument.

  • No proper opening or closing paragraph.

To grade a project in the F range, look for the following qualities:

  • Superficial treatment of the idea

  • Lack of discernible organization, originality, and articulateness

  • Frequent mechanical errors
  • No relevance building

Persuasiveness lacking in the argument.