Transtheoretical Model of Change


Use the Transtheoretical Model of Change to describe the process of change for the following 3 cases of health and wellness related behavioral modification. Identify each of the 6 stages of the TTM and discuss the corresponding behavior and mental state of the individual. Insert the relapse in the appropriate phase and discuss where the individual would possibly re-enter the process of change. For full points MAKE SURE to identify the appropriate name of each stage of the process (Ex: Stage 1- Precontemplation).

Example: Billy- a relatively fit college Senior who is going to begin training for obstacle course races such as the Tough Mudder and Warrior Dash. Someone who already works out, he will adopt new training regimen to begin competing in these races. Relapse: After his first season of competition ends, Billy no longer has specific races to train for and ceases his training program.

Stage 1- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – Billy has no interest in the obstacle course race craze, perhaps is even unaware of the existence of them

State 2- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – Billy becomes interested with the thought of competing, perhaps he hears of the races for the first time. He begins to learn more about their locations and schedules.

Stage 3- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – Billy researches the schedules and locations more and selects a race to train for. He develops a weight training and conditioning program to begin training.

Stage 4- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – Billy begins his workout program. In his first season, he competes in two races. He places well in his age category. The success is motivating and the experience is positive.

Relapse- Because the season has ended, Billy ceases his training program. He begins to gain weight and become sedentary.

Stage 3- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – The following season, Billy again researches locations and sites and signs up for more races. He redesigns his workout program. He is re-committed to training and maintaining his program.

Stage 4- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – He begins his workout season and again finishes and enjoys the competitions.

Stage 5- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – Through the subsequent off-seasons following competition seasons Billy maintains a workout regimen to stay competitive in the events.

Stage 6- (define the stage for assignment purpose) – Billy has become an active and successful participant. His training is routine and purposeful and he has no temptation or desire to phase out of the competitions or training for them.

Case 1: Anne is an overweight mother of 3 who is going to begin weight watcher in an effort to lose weight. Her motivation is to become active to keep up with her children. Relapse: Because of a career change, she is forced to work longer hours-finds herself snacking late at night and not making her meetings.

Case 2: Al is a 30-something professional who has smoked since college. He becomes concerned about his health and when filling out a health questionnaire at his doctor visit finally decides he needs to quit smoking. Relapse: When visiting his college friends, winds up smoking.

Case 3: Nate is a high school graduate on his way to college who wants to begin to lift weights to enhance his physique. He had competed in sports throughout high school, but now wants to change the focus of his workouts to develop a societally desirable physique. Relapse: Because he is no longer involved in sports and he is unaware of healthy alternatives in meal plans, Nate begins to find it difficult to maintain progress. He begins to accumulate calories through drinking alcohol as well.