Transcultural Nursing Skills Self-Assessment: NR 391 Week 2 Discussion

Transcultural Nursing Skills Self-Assessment: NR 391 Week 2 Discussion

Transcultural Nursing Skills Self-Assessment: NR 391 Week 2 Discussion

Transcultural Nursing Skills Self-Assessment (graded)

Nurses complete assessments on individuals on a daily basis. Self-assessments are in order before considering our abilities to provide culturally competent nursing care.

1. Complete the Transcultural Nursing Skills Self-Assessment Form located in Doc Sharing.

2. Note the number of “no” answers in your self-assessment.

3. Share one or two of your “no” answers with your classmates and describe how you will convert the “no” to a “yes” over the next few weeks.

4. What interventions are needed to turn each “no” into a “yes” response?

NR 391 Week 3 Discussion Latest

Healthcare Needs of a Specific Minority Group (graded)

Describe the healthcare needs of a minority group in your city or town.

  • Briefly describe the characteristics of the minority group.
  • What opportunities do you see for improving the health of this group?
  • How would you communicate their healthcare needs to people of authority? Use titles instead of names to identify these individuals.
  • What is the role of the BSN-prepared nurse in enhancing communication skills related to cultural needs of this minority population?


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Common Illnesses and the Use of CAM (graded)

Our patients come to us after exploring various avenues of self-help. At times, these avenues involve the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. Select a common (or not so common) illness/ or condition that affects a specific ethnic group/ or cultural group or vulnerable population.

1. Name the condition/ or illness and the group/ or population.

2. Identify two (2) CAM therapies that patients are likely to try before seeking (or in addition to) allopathic, osteopathic, or ayurvedic medical intervention for the illness or /condition.

3. Discuss the effectiveness of each therapy you identified.

4. Describe how you would answer an individual who asks you for your professional advice about the use of these CAM therapies.

Note: Do not discuss an illness/ or condition about which a classmate has already posted. The diversity will lead to a more robust discussion. There are many examples you may discuss, including sickle- cell disease in African Americans, constipation in the elderly people, or the use of Reiki for mental and emotional healing by Japanese people. Think of others from your practice settings or prelicensure experiences.