Theories of Personality – Psych 100 MCQ

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. A is a conceptual tool for understanding certain specified phenomena.

a. theory

b. theoretical construct

c. psychological test

d. variable

2. Personality researchers use:

a. self-report measures

b. projective tests

c. behavioral measures

d. All of the above.

3. The unconscious is least likely to be revealed through:

a. the interpretation of dreams

b. humor

c. objective tests

d. free association

4. According to the text, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke in symbolic terms of the future potentials of the world because he was:

a. a minister

b. an intuitive type

c. black

d. an extravert

5. The archetypes that are closest to consciousness are the:

a. Great Mother and the Spiritual Father

b. Hero and the Trickster

c. Mandala and the Self

d. Shadow and the Anima (or Animus)

6. Organ inferiority, the aggressive drive, masculine protest, superiority striving, and perfection striving are:

a. stages that occur, one after the other, in the development of normal personality

b. stages that occur, one after the other, in the development of unhealthy personality

c. processes in the development of Adler’s thinking about personality

d. various diagnostic categories

7. The effects of birth order are:

a. consistently found, by research, to confirm Adler’s predictions

b. universal across cultures and socioeconomic levels

c. significant for achievement, supporting Adler’s theory, but not for other aspects of personality

d. often significant in research, but with varying effects in different studies

8. The task of infancy, in Erikson’s terminology, is to develop a sense of:

a. autonomy

b. the body

c. trust

d. attachment to the mother

9. Erikson’s theory implies that problems with technology are relevant to which stage of development?

a. second

b. fourth

c. sixth

d. seventh

10. The appeal of love is related to:

a. the self-effacing solution

b. the expansive solution

c. resignation (solution)

d. None of the above.

11. When Allport met Freud, what happened?

a. Freud analyzed Allport’s dreams.

b. Freud experienced a powerful countertransference.

c. Allport thought that Freud misunderstood him.

d. Allport proposed that he develop a test to measure Freudian defense mechanisms.

12. Which of the following is not listed by Allport as characteristic of a normal, mature adult?

a. warm human interactions

b. emotional security

c. realistic perceptions

d. financial success

13. Cattell classified projective tests, such as the Rorschach inkblot test, as:

a. D-data

b. L-data

c. Q-data

d. T-data

14. Imitating others is made possible biologically by:

a. mirror neurons

b. memory strategies

c. evolved psychological mechanisms

d. temperament

15. Children who cried and clung to their mothers, in Kagan’s studies, were called:

a. inhibited

b. neurotic

c. difficulty children

d. uninhibited

16. In addition to Freud’s first three psychosexual stages, Dollard and Miller described a fourth stage, concerned with conflict over:

a. anger

b. sex roles

c. siblings

d. playmates

17. Because they both thought in terms of privacy and power, Nixon and Kissinger could relate well to one another, according to Kelly’s Corollary.

a. Choice

b. Commonality

c. Modulation

d. Sociality

18. “Slot-movement” refers to:

a. radical changes, such as from atheist to “born-again Christian”

b. role changes, such as moving from being a student to being an employee

c. gambling

d. a method for scoring personality tests

19. Adam doesn’t know whether he will be thanked or criticized if he helps cook dinner. He is uncertain about:

a. self-efficacy expectancies

b. competencies

c. encoding strategies

d. behavior-outcome expectancies

20. “If I ask Jane to go to the movies, will she go, or reject me?” This is a question of:

a. reciprocal determinism

b. stimulus-outcome expectancies

c. behavior-outcome expectancies

d. self-efficacy expectancies

21. Bandura expanded learning theory by his work on the importance of:

a. extinction

b. generalization

c. modeling

d. punishment

22. The best guide to healthy growth, according to Rogers, is:

a. a professional psychotherapist

b. a religious philosophy of life

c. the organismic valuing process

d. careful reasoning

23. Adolescents who are creative are likely to have had parents who