The Sexual Response Cycle According to Masters and Johnson

Differentiate the sexual response cycles of males and females. What are the differences between males and females, and what do they share in common?

Please create this assignment in a word document and write your response in narrative format.  Use complete sentences and original wording.  Do not copy from our text or any other source.  Your assignment must be a minimum of 500 words.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate  your  understanding and  your  knowledge of the material content.  It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source.  Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.   

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool.  Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work.  An originality score should generally be no more than 20%.  Originality scores between 20 and 50% will be graded with a point deduction.  Any originality score over 50% will be graded with a 0.  Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work. 

IMPORTANT NOTE:  scores outlined above are a guideline only and the final outcome/grade will be dependent upon the review of the Instructor of the assignment and the report

Please know that there will be serious consequences for any submission made in this class that raises the concern of plagiarism.  If you are in doubt about something, please ask.  I am happy to clarify and answer questions.  Thank you for your attention to this very serious matter.  


Grading Rubric


  Possible points Student points and instructor feedback
Accurately and clearly identifies the differences between the sexual response cycles of males and females.  Writing is original and demonstrates understanding of the concept. 35  
Accurately and clearly identifies the similarities between the sexual response cycles of males and females. Writing is original and demonstrates understanding of the concept 35  
Assignment is 500 words minimum 10  
Writing Structure is clear and follows spelling, grammar and punctuation rules. 10  
2 References are used to support your writing and are listed according to APA 6th ed. formatting style. Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used. 10  
Total 100  



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Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

CHAPTER 4 Female Sexual Anatomy and Physiology


·   Global Dimensions  Female Genital Mutilation in Various Parts of the World

·   Ethical Dimensions  Should PMS Be Used as an Excuse for Socially Unacceptable Behaviors?

·   Gender Dimensions  Breast Self-Examination

·   Multicultural Dimensions  Breast Cancer More Deadly in African Americans


· Name and describe the parts of the female reproductive system, to include external and internal genitalia.

· Discuss the role of breasts in sexual arousal and response, as well as in the reproductive function of lactation.

· Explain the role of hormones as they pertain to sexuality.

· Describe what occurs during menstruation, to include menarche, the menstrual cycle, and problems associated with each.

· Cite various diseases that can affect the female reproductive system and the self-care procedures, as well as medical treatments, associated with these diseases.

Global Dimensions: Female Genital Mutilation


Breast Cancer