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After reading The Cultural Meaning of Suicide: What Does That Mean?, write a paper of 500-words on suicide in which you address the following questions:
1. What did you think of the article? How did the article relate to the topics presented in the textbook?
2. What interesting questions did the article raise for you?
3. Identify the common predictors of suicide, treatments, and prevention programs.
4. Define suicide in your own words and describe how suicide is viewed in other cultures.
Prepare this assignment in the APA style.
OMEGA, Vol. 64(1) 83-94, 2011-2012
The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Scholars sometimes stress that it is important to know the individual meaning
of suicide and the cultural meaning of suicide, but the meaning of these terms
remains unclear. The present article discusses this problem and suggests that
the individual meaning of suicide is best based on the motives for suicide,
while the cultural meaning of suicide is best rooted in the lay theories of
suicide in which the members of cultures and subcultures believe.
Colucci (2006) drew attention to the fact that theory and research into suicidal
behavior has neglected the role of culture. Suicide is typically considered to be the
same phenomenon throughout the world, and theories proposed in one region
(such as the West) are assumed to apply to other regions. In addition, Colucci
pointed out that the cultural meaning of suicide has been neglected except for
rare scholars who draw attention to this issue, such as Douglas (1967) and Boldt
(1988). However, there appears to be a great deal of confusion over what exactly
the “meaning” of suicide refers to and, more especially, the “cultural meaning” of
suicide. The purpose of the present article is to examine what these terms mean.
Colucci cited the work of Good and Good (1982) who suggested that the
meaning of an illness involves “the metaphors associated with a disease, the
ethnomedical theories, the basic values and conceptual forms, and the care
patterns that shape the experience of the illness and the social reactions to the
sufferer” (p. 148). This encompasses many separate concepts.
? 2011, Baywood Publishing Co., Inc.
doi: 10.2190/OM.64.1.f
Cultures differ in the frequency of suicidal behavior, the methods chosen for
suicide, the distribution by age, sex, and other sociodemographic variables. Many
articles have appeared documenting the different suicide rates in a sample of
nations and differences in the suicide rates by age and sex from nation to nation
(e.g., Levi, La Vecchia, Lucchini, Negri, Saxena, Maulik, et al., 2003). Lester
(1994) found that the suicide rates of Chinese populations in China, Taiwan, Hong
Kong, and Singapore and the methods used for suicide differed greatly, while
sex ratio of the suicide rates and the variation over age was similar in all four
nations. Lester (2006) documented great variations in suicidal behavior in the
various Muslim nations of the world.
These “facts” about suicide probably have little direct relevance to the meaning
of suicide, either at the individual or the cultural level. However, a very high
rate of suicide in a nation may make the act seem less psychopathological to the
residents of the country and may become a topic of discussion in that nation.
For example, Hungary had one of the highest suicide rates in the world between
the two world wars and for many years afterwards, and it is interesting to note
in this regard that the most famous “suicide song,” Gloomy Sunday, was written
by a Hungarian (although he was living in France at the time (Stack, Krysinska,
& Lester, 2007-2008).
In addition, occasionally the most popular method for suicide may become
a synonym for the act, as in “taking the pipe” in England in the 20th Century when
suicide using domestic gas was the most popular method for suicide.
Kleinman (1977) defined the “category fallacy” as the mistake of imposing
Western categories on the behavior in other cultures. Lester (2008) provided
several examples of cultures that define suicide differently from scholars in the
Western world. For example, according to the Mohave, a Native American tribe in
the southwest of the United States, a fetus which presents itself in the transverse
position for birth, leading to its own death and that of its mother, is viewed as
having intended to commit suicide and to murder its mother so that they can be
together in the spirit world (Devereux, 1961). Medical examiners and coroners in
the rest of the United States would not view such a still-born infant as a suicide.
Counts (1980), who has studied the suicidal behavior of women in the Kaliai
district of Papua New Guinea, noted that, in the past, elderly widows sometimes
immolated themselves on their husband’s funeral pyre. The German and
Australian colonial governors considered this behavior to be a form of ritual
murder rather than suicide, and they outlawed it. Counts, however, saw neither
term (suicide or murder) as appropriate for this custom since it differed so much
from what North Americans and Europeans regard as either suicide or murder.
Neither term describes the behavior, the interpersonal relationships involved,
or the attitudes toward the widow and those assisting in her death. Nor do they
predict how the community will respond to her death.
Recently, some scholars, especially in Europe, have expressed doubts that
people engaging in nonfatal suicidal behavior have self-destruction as their aim,
and they have begun calling the behavior “self-poisoning” or “self-injury” (e.g.,
Liisanantti, Ala-Kokko, Dunder, & Ebeling, 2010; Novacek, Jotkowitz, Delgado,
Shleyfer, Barski, & Porath, 2005; Ramon, 1980). The semantic implication is
that nonfatal suicidal behavior is not “suicide.” Since in most cultures women
engage in more nonfatal suicidal actions than do men, this renaming of
nonfatal suicidal behavior as self-injury makes “suicidal behavior” less common
in women than it was hitherto.
Other suicidologists, on the other hand, include a wider range of behaviors
under the rubric of “suicidal behavior.” For example, Menninger (1938) classified
behaviors such as alcoholism, drug abuse, and anorexia as chronic suicide since
the individuals were shortening their lives by their behaviors. Menninger also
classified such behaviors such as polysurgery, self-castration, and self-mutilation
as focal suicide, a behavior in which the self-destructive impulse is focused on
one part of the body. These behaviors are often gender-linked. For example,
anorexia is more common in women whereas illicit drug abuse is more common in
men. Canetto (1991) has speculated that adolescents may respond differentially
when under stress, with girls choosing nonfatal suicidal behavior more while boys
choose drug abuse more. The use of Menninger’s categories would change greatly
the relative incidence of nonfatal suicidal behavior in women and men.
Clearly, the definition of suicide in a culture has implications for the meaning
of suicide. In a recent study, Lester and Frank (2008) found that only 59% of
a sample of American undergraduate students viewed a protest suicide (such
as a self-immolation carried out to protest a government decision) as suicide, and
only 70% viewed a suicide bomber as suicidal. Indeed, suicide bombers are
viewed as martyrs rather than as suicides by many people in Muslim nations
(Abdel-Khalek, 2004).