Text: Introduction to Clinical Psychology

7th Edition

ISBN-1 0: 0131729675


Geoffrey P. Kramer, Douglas A. Bernstein, Vicky Phares


PSY 560 Clinical Psychology

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Most clinical assessment instruments fall into which three categories?

a. observations, self-report measures, therapy

b. tests, interventions, therapy

c. interviews, tests, observations

d. interventions, on-line questionnaires, phone interviews

2. What is the single most frequent activity of clinical psychologists today?

a. conducting therapy

b. supervising interns

c. teaching

d. research

3. Which of the following is NOT a reason that most clinical psychology programs emphasize statistics and research courses and activities?

a. Clinical psychologists often supervise and evaluate research projects.

b. It is essential that psychologists know how to critically evaluate published research.

c. A clinical psychologist can’t be licensed without their own published research.

d. It is important that clinicians are aware of current research and trends.

4. Clinical practica are specialized educational opportunities where

a. students observe their supervisor conducting therapy and discuss the tech-


b. students consult with other agencies to broaden their perspectives.

c. students see clients and then meet with a supervisor on a regular basis.

d. students attend seminars and construct tests.

5. According to the text, two types of consultation in which it is common for clinical psychologists to participate are

a. private and group.

b. case and program/administration.

c. preventative and remedial.

d. paid and unpaid.



PSY 560 Clinical Psychology

6. Interest in understanding the importance of diversity and cultural variations is related to the understanding that

a. the willingness to seek treatment can vary by culture and ethnic background.

b. there are some cultural variations in symptom patterns.

c. there can be differing responses to treatments and interventions related to cultural and ethnic differences.

d. all ofthe above

7. According to the National Comorbidity Survey, the three most common types of psychological disorders are

a. anxiety disorders, impulse-control disorders and substance abuse disorders.

b. depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse disorders.

c. depression, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders.

d. substance-abuse disorders, relationship problems, depression.

8. A major sociocultural event that created an acute need for psychological test- ing in the United States was

a. the establishment of psychology departments in major universities.

b. new requirement for public school education for all children.

c. the involvement of the country in WWI.

d. he establishment of the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH).

9. A major development in 1946 that supported clinical psychology as an ap- plied field that offered psychotherapy was

a. the VA’s launching of a program to support training in mental health disci-


b. the proliferation of child guidance clinics.

c. the development of psychoanalytic institutes.

d. the advent of professional organizations.

10. Which of the following is NOT a major feature of the psychodynamic approach to psychotherapy?

a. Human behavior is derived from an internal struggle between meeting libidinal needs and being socially appropriate.

b. Sexual abuse of children is widespread and responsible for many symptoms in adults.

c. The ld, Ego, and Superego are major mental agencies that affect personality development.

d. Defense mechanisms operate at an unconscious level to keep conflicts from reaching consciousness.



PSY 560 Clinical Psyc


11. Clinical treatment in the psychodynamic tradition would include:

a. uncovering intrapsychic activity to alleviate behavior problems.

b. using free association to unearth sources of symptoms.

c. developing insight through interpretations.

d. all of the above

12. The philosophical position which states that behavior is determined by the perception of experience rather than the experience directly is

a. psychoanalytic.

b. phenomenology.

c. self-actualization.

d. Gestalt psychology.

13. Carl Rogers developed a humanistic therapy he termed

a. experimental.

b. client-centered.

c. Gestalt.

d. group therapy.

14. While many clinicians believe that developing more descriptive assessments would be of benefit in both research and clinical settings, this is unlikely to happen because

a. the benefit of an efficient shorthand for communicating about disorders out-

weighs all other considerations.

b. it would never be reliable and valid.

c. they are time consuming and therefore expensive.

d. the different theoretical approaches will probably never be able to agree on the descriptions.

15. Which of the following statement accurately reflects the role of assessment in treatment planning?

a. Since diagnoses based on thorough assessments tend to be very distinct, it has been possible to define specific treatments for those diagnoses.

b. Psychodiagnostic assessment fits very neatly into the medical model.

c. Assessment can not only assist in the development of a treatment plan, but can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment as well. institutes.

d. In real, every day practice, assessment has little relationship to treatment planning.


PSY 560 Clinical Psychology

16. Forensic evaluations often are focused on questions related to

a. the prediction of dangerousness.