Sustaining Change in Healthcare Assignment

Sustaining Change in Healthcare Assignment

Sustaining Change in Healthcare Assignment

Sustaining Change Can Be Difficult, As There Are Many Variables That Can Affect Implementation

Sustaining change can be difficult, as there are many variables that can affect implementation. One critical component of EBP is to ensure that practice change is part of an organization’s culture so it will continue to impact outcomes over time. Name two potential barriers that may prevent your EBP change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results 6 months to a year from now, and your strategies for overcoming these barriers.
Ontologic: What is the nature of reality? Reality exists; there is a real world driven by real natural causes and subsequent effects Reality is multiple and subjective, mentally constructed by individuals; simultaneous shaping, not cause and effect
Epistemologic: How is the inquirer related to those being researched? The inquirer is independent from those being researched; findings are not influenced by the researcher The inquirer interacts with those being researched; findings are the creation of the interactive process
Axiologic: What is the role of values in the inquiry? Values and biases are to be held in check; objectivity is sought Subjectivity and values are inevitable and desirable
Methodologic: How is evidence best obtained? Deductive processes ? hypothesis testing Inductive processes ? hypothesis generation
Emphasis on discrete, specific concepts Emphasis on entirety of some phenomenon, holistic
Focus on the objective and quantifiable Focus on the subjective and nonquantifiable
Corroboration of researchers’ predictions Emerging insight grounded in participants’ experiences
Outsider knowledge—researcher is external, separate Insider knowledge—researcher is internal, part of process
Fixed, prespecified design Flexible, emergent design
Controls over context Context-bound, contextualized
Large, representative samples Small, information-rich samples
Measured (quantitative) information Narrative (unstructured) information
Statistical analysis Qualitative analysis
Seeks generalizations Seeks in-depth understanding