Employment Law

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Judicial Pecking Order

  • U.S. Constitution
  • 5th Amendment (federal government)
  • 14th Amendment (state & local governments)
  • Federal Laws (CRA, ADA, ADEA, FMLA, EPA)
  • Executive orders (Executive Order 11246 – Federal Contractors)
  • Federal case law (interprets Constitution and federal laws)
  • U.S. Supreme Court
  • Circuit Courts of Appeal (12 circuits, Virginia is 4th)
  • U.S. District Courts
  • Federal administrative guidelines
  • EEOC

Federal Circuit States

1 ME, MA, NH, RI, Puerto Rico

2 NY, CT, VT

3 DE, NJ, PA, Virgin Islands

4 MD, NC, SC, VA, WV

5 LA, MS, TX

6 KY, MI, OH, TN\

7 IL, IN, WI

8 AR, IO, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD

9 AK, AZ, HI, CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, WA, Guam

Northern Mariana Islands

10 CO, KS, NM, OK, UT, WY

11 AL, FL, GA

D.C. District of Columbia

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Problem Scope

*in millions

Year Complaints % Unwarranted Monetary Benefits*
2013 93,727 81.9 $372.1
2012 99,412 82.7 $365.4
2011 99,947 82.0 $364.7
2010 99,222 80.8 $319.4
2009 93,277 79.7 $294.2
2008 95,402 78.7 $274.4
2007 82,792 78.1% $290.6
2006 75,768 77.8 $229.9
2005 75,428 78.6 $276.1
2004 79,432 80.5 $251.7
2003 81,300 80.0 $269.0
2002 84,442 79.9 $257.7
2000 79,896 78.8 $245.7

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Potential Legal Problems

  • Disparate treatment (intentional discrimination)
  • Disparate impact (adverse impact)
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Illegal search

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Employee Complaint Process

  • Alleged discriminatory act
  • Internal investigation
  • Internal resolution process
  • Essential to have a formal policy
  • Options
  • Dictate a decision
  • Mediate a solution
  • Arbitrate a decision
  • Appeal procedure is important
  • External resolution process
  • State agencies in deferral states
  • EEOC
  • Law suit

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

  • Mediation
  • Neutral third party
  • Disputants reach agreement
  • Arbitration
  • Neutral third party
  • Arbitrator makes decision
  • Binding
  • Nonbinding
  • Dictation
  • Third party makes decision

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EEOC Complaint Process

1. Alleged discriminatory act

  • Complaint filed

a. 180 days for nondeferral states

b. 300 days for deferral states

3. Employer notified within 10 days

4. Investigation (goal is to complete in 120 days)

a. Reasonable cause found

1) attempt to reach agreement

2) if no agreement, EEOC can file suit

b. Reasonable cause not found

1) right to sue letter issued to employee

2) employee has 90 days to file suit

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Civil Rights Act – Title VII

  • Who is Covered
  • Private employers with at least 15 employees
  • Federal, state, and local governments
  • Employment agencies
  • Unions
  • Americans working abroad for American companies
  • Who is Exempt
  • Bona fide tax exempt private clubs
  • Indian tribes
  • Individuals denied employment due to national security concerns
  • Publicly elected officials and their personal staff

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Title VII Court Ordered Remedies

  • Disparate Impact Cases
  • Reinstatement
  • Back pay
  • Seniority
  • Front Pay
  • Affirmative Action
  • Attorneys’ Fees
  • Disparate Treatment Cases

Same as disparate impact +

  • Compensatory damages
  • psychological damage
  • actual expenses
  • damage to reputation
  • Punitive damages (private sector only)
  • Damage Limits (no limit for race)

Employees Limit

15-100 $ 50,000

101-200 $100,000

201-500 $200,000

>500 $300,000

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Employment Decisions

  • Hiring
  • Placement
  • Promotion
  • Assignment (shift, patrol zone)
  • Salary
  • Discipline
  • Training opportunities

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Does requirement directly refer to member of federally protected class?

Has case law, state law, or local law expanded definition of protected class?

Does requirement have adverse impact?

Is requirement subterfuge for discrimination?

Is requirement job related?

Were alternatives with less adverse impact considered?




























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Does Requirement Directly Refer to a Member of a Federally Protected Class?

  • Sex (Civil Rights Act)
  • Male
  • Female
  • Race (CRA)
  • African American
  • Asian American
  • White
  • Native American
  • National origin (CRA)
  • Color (CRA)
  • Age (over 40; ADEA)
  • Religion (CRA)
  • Disability (ADA)
  • Current
  • Previous
  • Regarded as such
  • Qualified veteran
  • Pregnant female

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Federally Protected Classes
Exercise 3.1

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Question Answer Reason
A Yes Recently retired veterans are qualified veterans
B Yes Religion (Civil Rights Act)
C Yes Potential disability (ADA)
D No Sexual preference is not a federally protected class
E Yes Sex (Civil Rights Act)
F No Only people over the age of 40 are protected
G Yes National Origin (Civil Rights Act)
H Yes Color (Civil Rights Act)
I No Education level is not a federally protected class
J No This is a grooming standard

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Is the Requirement a Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)?

  • Only members of a particular class can perform the job
  • There can be no exceptions
  • According to the courts:
  • Race can never be a BFOQ
  • Religion has been (e.g., Nun, priest)
  • Gender seldom is
  • Customer preference doesn’t matter

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Is gender a BFOQ for Hooters?

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Has Local, State or Case Law Added Protected Classes?

  • State Law Examples
  • Virginia protects marital status
  • Wisconsin protects sexual orientation
  • 17 states ban gender identity bias
  • Local Law Examples
  • Cincinnati protects people of Appalachian heritage
  • Santa Cruz, CA outlaws discrimination based on height and physical appearance
  • Case Law Examples
  • Former drug use is not a disability

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Does the Requirement Have Adverse Impact on Members of a Protected Class?
Occurs when the selection rate for one group is less than 80% of the rate for the highest scoring group

Male Female

Number of applicants 50 30

Number hired 20 10

Selection ratio .40 .33

.33/.40 = .83 > .80 (no adverse impact)

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Education Level

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Adverse Impact – Example 2

Male Female

Number of applicants 40 20

Number hired 20 4