Sociological Perspectives

Text: Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives

Second Edition, 2011 ISBN-1 0: 0-205-66106-8

Author(s): David E. Rohall, Melissa A. Milkie, and Jeffrey W. Lucas

Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall


Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

l , A comparison of suicide rates rates across countries is more likely to be the study of

a. microsociology

b. macrosociology

c. psychology

d. social psychology

2. Structural functionalism is associated with while the conflict perspective is

associated with _

a. Karl Marx; Emile Durkheim

b. C. Wright Mills; Emile Durkheim

c. Emile Durkheim; Auguste Comte

d. Emile Durkheim; Karl Marx

3. The field of sociology was first defined by _

a. Emile Durkheim

b. Herbert Blumer

c. C. Wright Mills

d. Auguste Comte

4. Which early sociologist emphasized the role of society in the development of the self?

a. George Herbert Mead

b. Karl Marx

c. Georg Simmer

d. Herbert Blumer

5. Which sociological social psychology perspective is likely to emphasize the importance of interactions within groups?

a. symbolic interaction

b. social structure and personality

c. group processes

d. structural functionalism



6. What year was the term sociology coined?

a.1776 b.1838 c. 1895 d.1901

7. A country’s flag represents which element of culture?


b. norms

c. symbols

d. values and beliefs

8. is the study of the effects of society on social-psychological processes, also

known as sociological social psychology.

a. sociology

b. microsociology

c. macrosociology

d. psychology

9. A society’s set of unique patterns of behavior and beliefs.

a. culture

b. heritage

c. tradition

d. values

10. Networks are important to the study of the effects of society on individuals’ thoughts, feelings and behavior because:

a. they give people more prestigious jobs.

b. they give people more friends.

c. they provide important links between people in society.

d. they provide ways of managing life problems.



, l , Franklin did not think much about how the economy or society affects his life until he lost his job. Franklin’s change in attitude about the economy best reflects which principle from the social structure and personality perspective?

a. proximity principle

b. psychology principle

c. propinquity principle

d. components principle

, 2. Which of the following is considered a major dimension of group processes?

a. legitimacy

b. justice

c. power

d. All of the above.

, 3. A group of friends getting together for dinner represents a group while a group

of people at your work represents a group.

a. primary; secondary

b. reference; primary

c. primary; reference

d. secondary; reference

, 4. Element of the social structure and personality perspective referring to how individuals interna lize proxima I experiences.

a. sociology principle

b. proximity principle

c. social scripts

d. psychology principle

, 5. A two-person group is called a _


b. triad

c. partnership

d. None of the above.



16. Perspective within symbolic interactionism that focuses on the quantitative study of social interaction processes because of the stable nature of social life.

a. Chicago School

b. Indiana School

c. Iowa School

d. both band c

17. Fairness in group interactions.

a. legitimacy

b. justice

c. power

d. None of the above.

, 8. People we are close to and interact with regularly are considered to be our _


a. primary

b. secondary

c. reference

d. social

19. You are studying student attitudes toward tobacco and alcohol consumption using a series of items in which respondents were asked to respond using categories ranging from 1

(strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree). These items represent which type of variable?

a. ordinal

b. interval

c. ratio

d. categorical

20. The research technique called “autoethnograpy” is associated with which social psychological perspective?

a. symbolic interaction

b. social structure and personality

c. group processes

d. structural functionalism



21. Social scientists must always be concerned with and to accurately

capture the phenomena in questions.

a. truth and reliability

b. probability and validity

c. reliability and validity

d. truth and validity

22. Quantitative research includes all of the following EXCEPT:

a. experiments

b. interviews

c. surveys

d. data analysis

23. A researcher wants to explore the connection between college campus drinking and sexual

assault nation-wide. The most effective method of measurement would be _

a. interviews

b. controlled experiments

c. surveys

d. None of the above.

24. Participants of an experiment that are not exposed to the independent variable.

a. control group

b. convenience sample

c. focus group

d. experimental group

25. A type of quantitative research procedure in which investigators control participants’ exposure to an independent variable.

a. field research

b. laboratory experiment

c. experiment

d. ethnography



26. Participants of an experiment that are exposed to an independent variable.

a. control group