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SOC 320 Topic 1 DQ 1 & 2
Topic 1 DQ 1
Describe at least two of the ways in which families in America have changed and are changing. For each change you describe, give your opinion as to whether this change is positive or negative (helpful or destructive) for American society and your reasons for thinking so.
Once you have posted your thoughts about this topic, read the posts of your fellow students and respond to the posts of someone with whom you disagree or differ in your opinions. Remember to be polite and civil in your responses and explain your reasons for disagreeing with them.
SOC 320 Topic 1 DQ 2
The Lauer & Lauer text describes various types of families such as families from different cultures, families with a different number of parents, American families whose members are from different ethnic groups, and families where both parents are of the same sex. Explain the differences between two or more of the various types of families. What aspects or characteristics of these families are different from your family or origin or family of orientation?
Comment on the posts of your fellow students whose descriptions and explanations are most interesting to you.
We can as well help you complete:
Topic 2 DQ 1 and 2
Topic 2 DQ 1
The Lauer & Lauer text describes sex as both a physical and a social phenomenon (Chapter 4, pp. 78-82). In your own words, explain what is meant by this. Give examples of ways in which this is true. In what ways is this a new concept for you or a new way of thinking about human sexuality?
Topic 2 DQ 2
What are some of the factors (demographic and other) which seem to impact the use of contraceptives by Americans? How would you explain the differences in use of contraceptives by people characterized by these different factors? If you consider your own use of contraceptives – either in the past, presently, or in the foreseeable future, does it or will it fit the patterns that the text describes? Why or why not?