Response to Personality Assessment Outcome

Response to Personality Assessment Outcome

Response to Personality Assessment Outcome

RESPONSE 1 (Denise): With the help of past classes as well as this class, I often asked myself questions surrounding the future of psychology. With all of the changes in world, the study of psychology is no different: evolving. We can look back on how much it has currently change until now; where psychologist use to have their clients sit on a couch behind closed doors, often now some type of electronic device does most of then work. This will only go even farther from there. I personally believe that personality testing will become one of the largest online industries that more companies will begin to use as a hiring process.

I also believe that as assessments become more common in our workforce, candidates will begin to learn and share test taking strategies. As the word gets out, candidates will be able to ‘fake’ their way through pre-employment assessments in ways that will hinder testing to predict future behaviors. As with any other process, competency in the workplace is important, therefore employers should consider measuring it through as many modes of measurement as are everyday in your selection process. For example, attention to detail is important for many jobs today, therefore, measuring competency through personality tests as well as interview questions can help the hiring manager better understand a person’s true level on their job related abilities. As for future studies, I can imagine the use of simulators with interactive devices. This may include voice interaction, stress/emotion detection, etc.

RESPONSE 2 (Taylor): I believe the number one thing that is going to change when it comes to personality assessment procedures is the training of psychologists/professionals and the way the tests are administered. I believe the psychologists/professionals need to receive better training so they can properly administer the tests and explain how important it is for the individuals to answer the questions truthfully. To obtain accurate results from personality tests the individual must be completely honest and subjective with their responses. I believe for the assessor to accurately convey the severity of this topic they must be comfortable and an expert on the topic.


I believed technology and social media will alter the way we use personality tests. People are becoming more familiar and knowledgeable on topics due to the internet. This may hurt/help personality tests. Due to the internet, we are far more aware of what the society values, therefore, we may answer these questions to meet societal agendas. I personally have only taken personality tests when it comes to job applications/interviews and I will be the first to admit it is very hard to not alter my answers to fit the personality of someone the employer would want to fill the position.

The assessors simply told me “answer the questions best you can”. Now after taking this course and understanding how individuals may unintentionally alter their questions to fit social constructs, I feel that I could have received better guidance from the employer. Then again they were using a test they found on the internet and they probably did not receive very good training either. I am sure the test results would not have disqualified me from the position they said they were using it to “better understand my personality type” but, in the back of my mind I was still a little nervous.

I hope we use technology to better our understanding of things and improve life. I have seen a LOT of Black Mirror and technology truly does scare me sometimes.

RESPONSE 3 (Marie):

Personality assessment: