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Reisberg: Chapter 10 – Language
• What is a morpheme? What is the difference between a bound morpheme and a free morpheme?
• What is a phoneme?
• While producing a sound what is voicing? What is manner of production?
What is place of articulation?
• What factors make speech perception difficult?
• What is categorical perception? How does categorical perception make
speech perception easier?
• What is syntax?
• What are phrase structure rules? You should be able to parse a very simple sentence that contains a NP and a VP.
• How does extralinguistic context help one parse a sentence?
• What is the function of Broca’s area? Where is it located? Describe the type of aphasia you see when Broca’s area is damaged.
• What is the function of Wernicke’s area? Where is it located? Describe the type of aphasia you see when Wernicke’s area is damaged.
• What is an overregularization error?
• How can language influence thought?