Quiz: A condition in which the eyelids do not completely meet

Quiz: A condition in which the eyelids do not completely meet

Quiz: A condition in which the eyelids do not completely meet

• Question 51

A condition in which the eyelids do not completely meet to cover the globe is called:

• Question 52

An abnormal growth of conjunctiva extending over the cornea from the limbus is known as:

• Question 53

A 36-year-old woman complains that she has had crushing chest pain for the past 2 days. She seems nervous as she speaks to you. An appropriate response is to:

• Question 54

Constitutional symptoms in the ROS refer to:

• Question 55

A tool used to screen adolescents for alcoholism is the:

• Question 56

A guideline for history taking is for caregivers to:

• Question 57

A pedigree diagram is drafted for the purpose of obtaining:

• Question 58

A brief statement of the reason the patient is seeking health care is called the:

• Question 59

Behaviors that diffuse anxiety during the interview include:

• Question 60

After you ask a patient about her family history, she says, “Tell me about your family now.” Which response is generally most appropriate?

• Question 61

If only two blood pressure values are recorded, they are the _______________ sounds.

• Question 62

A normal adult’s pulse pressure should range from _____ to _____ mm Hg.

• Question 63

Body language that leads you to suspect that a person is in pain is:

• Question 64

During respiration, the internal intercostals:

• Question 65

Hypertension in the adult is generally defined as pressure in excess of:

• Question 66

If a sufficiently large cuff is unavailable to fit an obese arm, which technique may be used to assess blood pressure?

• Question 67

In a syndrome in which regional pain extends beyond this specific peripheral nerve injury, you would notice which of the following: (Select all that apply.)

• Question 68

A blood pressure cuff bladder should be long enough to:

• Question 69

A variant of the percussion hammer is the neurologic hammer, which is equipped with which of the following?

• Question 70

Auscultation should be carried out last, except when examining the:

• Question 71

A rubber or plastic ring should be around the bell endpiece of a stethoscope to:

• Question 72

During percussion, a dull tone is expected to be heard over:


• Question 73

According to the guidelines for Standard Precautions, the caregiver’s hands should be washed:

• Question 74

During auscultation, you can limit your perceptual field best by:

• Question 75

A patient in the emergency department has a concussion. You suspect the patient may also have a retinal hemorrhage. You are using the ophthalmoscope to examine the retina of this patient. Which aperture of the ophthalmoscope is most appropriate for this patient?