Psychopharmacology Final Exam

Psychopharmacology Final Exam

Psychopharmacology Final Exam

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1) Which of the following medical conditions is not typically associated with depression?


b. Diabetes

c. Gout

d. Cushing’s Disease

2) A symptom which is found in clinical depression but not in grief is:

a. Intense sadness

b. Sleep disturbance

c. Crying

d. Loss of self-esteem

3) Uncomplicated bereavement is best reduced by

a. Antidepressant medication

b. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

c. Mourning and the passage of time

d. Antianxiety medication

4) Some symptoms are common to all depressions, whereas others indicate a biochemical dysfunction which may be responsive to antidepressants. Which one of the following symptoms is not uniquely associated with biochemical depression?

a. Appetite Disturbance

b. Sleep disturbance

c. Reduced Libido

d. Suicidal Ideas

5) A patient on an antidepressant complains of dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and trouble urinating. These symptoms are most likely:

a. Symptoms of depression

b. Anticholinergic side effects

c. Hypochondriacal complaints

d. Due to inactivity

6) When under treatment with an MAO inhibitor, one should avoid:

a. Red meat

b. Pea Soup

c. Aged cheese

d. Jello

7) A patient is taking Prozac for depression and is not responding. His physician asks you if you think augmentation with Parnate would be a good idea. You should tell the physician:

a. This is a sensible treatment approach

b. No — this combination could be fatal

c. The combination is harmless, but probably won’t reduce depression

d. Combining these two medications will probably increase depression

8) A depressed patient has a history of sexual dysfunction, and fears that anti-depressants will make his problem worse. You would prescribe:

a. buproprion

b. desipramine

c. imipramine

d. doxepin

9) Which one of the following is not likely to be a cause of depression?

a. Antihypertensives

b. Antibiotics

c. Antiparkinson drugs

d. Birth control pills

10) A depressed patient has been taking adequate doses of an SSRI for ten days and complains to you that she has felt no improvement. You would advise this patient:

a. That she needs to stay on the medication longer before she feels Improvement

b. To ask her physician to try a new medication

c. To discontinue her medication

d. To take St. John’s Wort along with her medication

11) Medications which should be initially considered for Generalized Anxiety Disorder include:

a. benzodiazepines and SSRIs

b. buspirone and lithium

c. buspirone, Effexor, and SSRIs

d. Valium, Librium, and Xanax

12) Classes of medications typically used for treating anxiety disorders include:

a. SSRIs

b. Benzodiazepines

c. MAO inhibitors

d. All of the above

13) Stress induced insomnia is typically treated with short-term:

a. SSRIs

b. Benzodiazepines

c. MAO inhibitors

d. Neuroleptics


14) Beta blockers control which anxiety-related symptoms?

a. Sense of dread

b. Anxiety-evoking cognitions

c. Rapid heartbeat

d. Concentration difficulties