Psychology Homework 13 and 14

Psychology Homework 13 and 14

Psychology Homework 13 and 14

Homework 13

1.       ________ involves the modification of the nervous system by experiences.

2.       Your ability to recognize a series of photos that you looked at a month ago is an example of ________.

3.      ________ learning involves the ability to exhibit a specific behavior in the presence of a specific stimulus.

4.       ________ learning refers to your ability to recall a series of events you have witnessed.

5.        The ________           pathway interconnects the entorhinal cortex with the granule cells of the dentate gyrus.

6.        Learning to modify your golf swing is an example of ________ learning.

7.       Induction of long-term potentiation involves activation of receptors for ________.

8.       The ________ receptor is required to establish long-term potentiation.

9.       The glutamate antagonist________ blocks NMDA receptors and the formation of LTP.

10.   ________ are action potentials that occur along the dendites of a pyramidal cell in the hippocampus.

11.    Long-term potentiation is associated with the movement of ________ receptors to the tips of dendritic spines.

12.   ________ is a strong candidate to act as a retrograde messenger from the dendrite to the terminal button in the LTP process.

13.    Long-lasting LTP requires the formation of the protein _______.

14.   ________ receptors are sparse in area CA3 of the hippocampus.

15.   ________ learning involves the recognition of particular stimuli or categories of stimuli.

16.  ________ cortex neurons play a key role in short-term memory for all sensory systems.

17.   ________ memory lasts on the order of seconds.

18.    The caudate nucleus and the putamen form the ________.

19.    Food for a hungry rat is an example of a(n) ________ reinforcer.

20.    Amnesia for events that occur after some disturbance to the brain is called ________.

a.       AMPA

b.      anterograde amnesia

c.       AP5

d.      Dendritic Spikes

e.       Episodic

f.       Glutamate

g.      Learning

h.      Motor

i.        Natural

j.        Neostriatum

k.      Nitric Oxide

l.        NMDA

m.    NMDA

n.      Perceptual

o.      perceptual learning

p.      Performant

q.      PKM-zeta

r.        Prefrontal

s.       Short-term

t.        Stimulus-response


Homework 14

1.       ________ is a primary disturbance in comprehension or production of speech that is caused by brain damage.


2.       The vast majority of the population shows________-hemisphere dominance for speech.


3.       The normal rhythm, tone of voice and stress of speech is called ________.


4.      ________  aphasia involves damage localized within the inferior left frontal lobe.


5.        A function word is important for grammar, whereas ________ words convey meaning.


6.       A difficulty in the use of word order, use of function words, and selection of appropriate word endings is termed ________.


7.      The speech deficit of ________ is a common feature of all forms of aphasia.


8.       involves an impairment of the ability to program tongue, lip, and throat movements to produce speech sounds.


9.      ___ involves a difficulty in choosing the right words to express an idea.


10.  _________ aphasia can be described as effortless production of meaningless speech.


11.  Transcortical sensory aphasia results from damage to the ________.


12.   ________ aphasia can be thought of as Wernicke’s aphasia without pure word deafness.


13.    Damage to the ________ hemisphere impairs the production of prosody.


14.  ______refers to a syndrome in which a person cannot recognize a familiar voice.


15.   ________ refers to the inability to visually perceive written words.


16.   ________ dyslexia is similar to that of transcortical sensory aphasia, but involving written words.


17.   A person who has difficulty in sounding out a word would suffer from ________ dyslexia.


18.   ________dysgraphia involves a problem in visually-based reading.

a.       Agrammatism


b.      Anomia


c.       Anomia


d.      Aphasia


e.       Apraxia


f.       Broca’s


g.      Content


h.      Direct


i.        Left


j.        Orthographic


k.      Phonagnosia


l.        Phonological


m.    Posterior language area


n.      Prosody


o.      Pure alexia


p.      Right


q.      Transcortical


r.        Wernicke’s