Psychology Assignment: life expectancy for American males

Psychology Assignment: life expectancy for American males

Psychology Assignment: life expectancy for American males

How Long Will You Live?
An individual’s life span is determined by many factors, including genetic history, personal health habits, socioeconomic status, and personality. To see how these factors interact, complete the following life expectancy questionnaire for yourself (or for someone you know).
The basic life expectancy for American males of all races today is 75 years; for females it is 81 years. Write this beginning number down; then, as you check through the list, add or subtract the appropriate number of years for each item. If the information does not apply to you, just go on to the next question. For example, in #1, none of my grandparents lived beyond 80. Or, perhaps your grandparents are not yet 80. I started at 81, 81 just carries over to the next box. In #2, my father died before age 80, but my mother lived to be 90. I can add 4 years to my 81, so now my life expectancy is 85. If your parents are younger than 80, you are still at your starting point, so move on to #3. See? Some of the responses call for “judgment” calls from you. Answer to the best of your ability, keeping in mind that these are only indicators and not guarantees.


Beginning Life Expectancy = ___________
1. Longevity of grandparents
Add 1 year for each grandparent living beyond age 80. Add one-half year for each grandparent surviving beyond the age of 70.
2. Longevity of parents
If your mother lived beyond the age of 80, add 4 years. Add 2 years if your father lived beyond 80.
3. Cardiovascular disease among close relatives
If any parent, grandparent, or sibling died from cardiovascular disease before age 50, subtract 4 years for each incidence. If any died from the above before the age of 60, subtract 2 years.
4. Other heritable disease among close relatives
If any parent, grandparent, or sibling died before the age of 60 from diabetes or peptic ulcer, subtract 3 years. If any died before 60 from stomach cancer, subtract 2 years. Women whose close female relatives have died before 60 from breast cancer should also subtract 2 years. Finally, if any close relatives have died before the age of 60 from any cause except accidents or homicide, subtract 1 year for each incidence.
5. Childbearing
Women who cannot or do not plan to have children, and those over 40 who have never had children, should subtract one-half year. Women who have had over seven children, or plan to, should subtract 1 year.
6. Mother’s age at your birth
Was your mother over the age of 35 or under the age of 18 when you were born? If so, subtract 1 year.
7. Birth order
Are you the first-born in your family? If so, add 1 year.
8. Intelligence
If you feel that you are superior in intelligence, add 2 years.
9. Weight
If you are more than 30 percent overweight, subtract 5 years. If you are more than 10 percent overweight, subtract 2 years.
10. Dietary habits
If you eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, and usually stop eating before feeling full, add 1 year. If you drink five or more cups of coffee per day, subtract one-half year.
11. Smoking
If you smoke two or more packs of cigarettes a day, subtract 12 years. If you smoke between one and two packs a day, subtract 7 years. If you smoke less than a pack a day, subtract 2 years.
12. Drinking
If you are a moderate drinker, add 3 years. If you are a light drinker, add 1.5 years. If you are a heavy drinker, subtract 8 years.
13. Exercise
If you exercise briskly at least three times a week, add 3 years.
14. Sleep
If you sleep more than 10 hours or less than 5 hours a night, subtract 2 years.
15. Sexual activity
If you enjoy sexual activity at least once a week, add 2 years.
16. Regular physical examinations
If you have an annual physical examination by your physician, add 2 years.
17. Health status
If you have a chronic illness at present, subtract 5 years.
18. Years of education
If you graduated from college, add 4 years. If you attended college but did not graduate, add 2 years. If you graduated from high school but did not attend college, add 1 year. If you have less than an eighth-grade education, subtract 2 years.
19. Occupational level (former, if retired; spouse’s, if you are not working)
Professional, add 1.5 years; technicians, administrators, managers, and agricultural workers, add 1 year; semi-skilled workers should subtract one-half year; laborers should subtract 4 years.
20. Family income
If your family income is above average for your education and occupation, add
1 year. If it is below average for your education and occupation, subtract 1 year.
21. Activity on the job
If your job involves a lot of physical activity, add 2 years. If your job requires that you sit all day, subtract 2 years.
22. Age and work
If you are over the age of 60 and still on the job, add 2 years. If you are over the age of 65 and have not retired, add 4 years.