Psychology (2 Questions)

This assignment is two questions.  Answer each question in 200 words or more.  There is no specific format, however must be references.

Question 1

After watching the two videos below, discuss the role of higher-level or “cognitive” processes in perception. Then describe a situation in which you initially thought you saw or heard something, but then realized that your initial perception was in error. What was the role of bottom-up and top-down processing in this process of first having an incorrect perception and then realizing what was actually there?

Support your belief and use specific examples.  You may refer to your assigned Week 1 readings or draw on scholarly online resources. The latter must be academic in nature (e.g. from the APUS online library) and not from pop culture and/or commercial websites, blogs, opinion sites, etc.

Question 2

Nature VIA Nurture
To prepare for this portion of the dialog, the video Epigenetics located at:

The argument of Nature vs. Nurture is dead and long since gone with the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. Science has now demonstrated that each of us is the product of BOTH our genetic makeup AND the environment in which we develop. Our genes, in turn, have been shaped over time by the process of evolution. After viewing the video, define “epigenetic” and “epitasis”, and give a unique example of each. Then discuss how nature, nurture and evolution affect the development of an individual and how researchers determine the relative influence of heredity and environment.

(For the purpose of this discussion students are asked to stay away from the philosophical arguments of religion and evolution and instead focus on the bio-physiological material contained within the text.)