Psychological Study Exams

Psychological Study Exams

Psychological Study Exams


CIRCLE OR HIGHLIGHT the correct answer for the following questions; then after each, you will be asked to provide a rationale for your answer, an explanation, or example. DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANK LINE ON THE TEST UNANSWERED.

1. A collection of related ideas and observations that describe, explain, and predict behavior and mental processes is called a

a. theory. c. proposal.

b. guess. d. hypothesis.

Please provide an example of this concept by coming up with an idea for your own scientific, psychological study. Just make one up! Think of a research idea that interests you and you have questions about. In one paragraph, tell me what your study would be and where this concept would fall within your study:





2. The final step in the scientific method is to

a. draw conclusions. c. conduct a research review.

b. collect and analyze data. d. report results.

Please provide an example of this step in the scientific method by using your own scientific, psychological study you came up with in question #1. In one paragraph, tell me where and how this concept would fall within your study:





In questions 3 through 7, MATCH each of the following research methods (a-e) with the statement which best describes it. Write the concept in the space next to the statement:

a. naturalistic observation d. case study

b. laboratory observation e. survey

c. correlational study

3. This method allows researchers to gather self-report data from a representative sample of the population. ______________________________

Please provide an example of this method in the scientific, psychological study you came up with in question 1. If you were to conduct your study using this method, how would you go about doing so? In one paragraph, tell me how you would utilize this method:




4. This method involves determining the strength of relationship between two variables, though cause and effect cannot be determined. _________________________________

Please provide an example of this method in your own scientific, psychological study. In one paragraph, what variable you might utilize to determine strength of relationships:




5. This method allows researchers to observe behaviors while maintaining control of the environment. ________________________________

Please provide an example of this method in the scientific, psychological study you came up with in question 1. If you were to conduct your study using this method, how would you go about doing so? In one paragraph, tell me how you would utilize this method:




6. This method involves collecting extensive data on one person of interest. __________________

Please provide an example of this method in the scientific, psychological study you came up with in question 1. If you were to conduct your study using this method, how would you go about doing so? In one paragraph, tell me how you would utilize this method and what one person you might collect data on:




7. This method allows researchers to observe behaviors that are more natural or spontaneous.


Please provide an example of this method in the scientific, psychological study you came up with in question 1. If you were to conduct your study using this method, how would you go about doing so? In one paragraph, tell me how you would utilize this method and what natural or spontaneous behaviors you would watch for:


