Psychiatry Nursing Questions Assignment

Psychiatry Nursing Questions Assignment

Psychiatry Nursing Questions Assignment

Review of Psychiatric Nursing Quiz

Course Session: Review of Psychiatric Nursing


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1 Symptoms of schizophrenia area assessed on a spectrum of the severity of positive, negative and disorganized which determines the severity of the disorder.

A True
B False
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:38
2 Dopamine and and norepinephrine are catacholamines that are used in psychiatric pharmacology but also have effects on blood pressure.

A True
B False
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:19
3 Comorbidities of bipolar disorder include_________? SATA

B substance abuse
C anxiety disorder
D cardiovascular disease
E metabolic disorder
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:53
4 Psychological disorders are characterized by deviant, distressful or dysfunctional patterns of__________ that interfere with the ability to function in a healthy way?    SATA

A thoughts
B fellings
C languae
D behaviors
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:14
5 Obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by unwanted repetitive behaviors that become obsessions.

A True
B False
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:11
6 Dissociative disorders  include all the following except?

A Amnesia
B Hallucination
C Fugue
D Identity disorder
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:31
7 There are 3 types of bipolar disorders. Bipolar disorder 1 is characterized by_________?  SATA

A manic episode that lasts at least 7 days
B manic symptoms that requires immediate hospitalization
C severe depressive stage lasting more than 2 weeks
D delusions and hallucinations
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:38
8 Characteristics of schizophrenia include:

A Usually begins in the late 20s in men
B disorganized thinking
C behaviors incongruent with their situation
D delusions
E compulsive behavior
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:40
9 General anxiety disorder is defined as intermittently tense and apprehensive,  experiencing unfocused, negative out-of-control feelings.

A True
B False
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:18
10 Schizophrenic people have an increase in dopamine receptors in the brain therefore antipsychotic drugs that decrease dopamine such as______________ are prescribed.  SATA

A Haloperidol
B Clozpine
C Librium
D aripiprazole
 Points: 1 Time Taken: 0:35