Psych Response Assignment: Introducing Social Psychology

Psych Response Assignment: Introducing Social Psychology

Psych Response Assignment: Introducing Social Psychology


Principles of Social Psychology, v. 1.0?: Introducing Social Psychology

Original Question:

For this week’s Forum, respond to the following: The field of Social Psychology takes on several aspects of other social science disciplines. The field of anthropology, psychology, and sociology are the main areas. The field of economics also contributes to social psychology, albeit not as much as the other three.

Some people incorrectly view Social Psychology as the “psychology of the masses,” thinking that one can just take knowledge applicable to the behavior, cognition and emotion of an individual and multiply it to know what Social Psychology means as a sub-discipline within the larger field of Psychology. If that is what Social Psychology is not, then what is it? Let’s consider this question as we get started with our course studies and let’s do it with a twist. Without looking up a definition in a published source, share your thoughts in answer to the question, “What Is Social Psychology?” After describing your pre-study definition, use it to explain a social situation, which is anywhere two or more are gathered, that you find interesting (e.g., gang involvement, crowd behavior, obedience to authority, altruistic actions).

Reply to the following response with 200 words minimum. (please make response as if having a conversation, respond directly to some of the statements in below post. This is not providing an analysis of the original post. Respectfully address it and even ask clarifying or additional questions.)

Part I: Self-Introduction

Hey guys! My name is Kalee Ewald, I am 21 years old and you can just call me by my first name. I love my family, especially my sister Ashlynn. She’s my best friend. I am currently back to get my bachelors here at APU, and it is also my third year here, which would make me a junior. I am majoring in Psychology to get my bachelors which will go well with the AA I have in Public Health. I plan on gaining a window into the working world with my degree to make it a little easier to get a good paying job.

I live in Northern Virginia about 30 minutes out of Washington, D.C. Some of my hobbies include anything art or music related. I like to draw, paint, and to take pictures. Music is also my way of calming down and relaxing. Finding new music is exciting to me. Also, beauty is another big hobby to me. I run and post on my own Beauty Instagram, Facebook page, and my own YouTube channel!

My learning goals would to be that I would like to know just what is the best way or path to get a job in this field. Also, I would like to learn the best way to be prepared for when I start applying for jobs in this field because I heard it’s a bit difficult.

I am currently just starting my bachelors and I just received my AA back in June. So, I had a bit of a summer break but now I am back and ready to go!

Part II: Social Psychology

I believe social psychology is the study of the human behavior, and the influence society has on that individual. Social psychology from my limited general knowledge on the subject, seems to be concerned with how an individual’s environment may influence them, whether this is a positive or negative influence depends on that person.


A social situation that interests me is gang involvement. In larger cities gangs are very common. Gang members must go through initiation to be a member of the gang. This initiation process can include killing, robbing, or other violent acts to prove to the gang an individual is not scared of violence. I think that social psychology in this aspect asks questions such as: What makes a person interested in that type of lifestyle, knowing the negative things associated with that type of lifestyle? Is it a real interest, or is it influenced by friends, culture, or society?

I think activities such as gang involvement, drug use, and alcohol abuse are such big social problems because these things are glamorized by the media, music videos, and treated as if there is nothing wrong with these activities. I believe these problems are more serious now because most parents live in a dual career household in which the mother and father work together to make ends meet. This leaves teenagers more time without adult supervision.

** Please don’t just rephrase their info, but respond to it. Remember to answer question at the end if there is one. **