PSYC305 All Discussions Latest

PSYC305 All Discussions Latest

PSYC305 All Discussions Latest

Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 

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Week 1: Charismatic Leaders and Communication

Do you think communication is more important to leaders now than it was in Hitler’s and FDR’s time? Explain why you think so or why you disagree. Who is a more current charismatic leader that you know of, and how are they similar to Hitler or FDR in their communication style?

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Week 1: Ohio State and Michigan Studies

Consider the findings from the Ohio State and Michigan studies: Good leadership requires effectiveness on two dimensions – initiating structure, commonly called task orientation, and showing consideration, commonly called employee orientation. Evaluate a leader you know using those two dimensions of good leadership. Describe how well that leader manages both those dimensions. What is the outcome of their strengths or weaknesses in those dimensions?

1. Describe a situation that would call for a more task oriented leader.
2. In what situations would a more employee oriented leader be more successful?

Which orientation do you reflect in your style of leadership? Why do you tend to lean toward that style?

Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 

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Week 2: Communication

It has been said that communication controls, motivates, provides release, and facilitates decision-making. What happens in an organization when communication is limited? How does downward and upward communication affect the functions mentioned above?

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Week 2: Communication

It has been said that communication controls, motivates, provides release, and facilitates decision-making. What happens in an organization when communication is limited? How does downward and upward communication affect the functions mentioned above?


Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 

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Week 3: Your Personality and Values

Values may be self-governing, but they do change with time. The link between personality, values, and work ethic is difficult to decipher. Your basic makeup is with you in every situation, especially in your organization. Have your values changed as you have matured, or have they stayed the same? Do you have different values than your parents or siblings? How do values affect the cohesiveness of the workplace?

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Week 3: What’s Best for the Workers is Best for the Company?

A student who worked for Chipotle stated: “I love the Chipotle standard that what’s best for the people (employees) is best for the company and vice versa, so I always strive to do my best.” It sounds simple, but in reality, that is a difficult culture to enact. Why do you suppose that it isn’t common in most organizations? What is difficult about the implementation of such a policy? Does everyone have the same definition of “doing your best”? Will slackers perceive their best in a different light? Can you count on most managers to model the appropriate behavior? Who supervises the managers, and how are they held accountable, not only for product, but for cultural expectations? PSYC305 All Discussions Latest

Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 

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Week 4: Employee Needs

Please take a look at the bulleted needs described on page 286: survival, security, belonging, respect, and fulfillment. Then, describe how your organization meets those needs, and explain what they could do differently to better meet the fulfillment needs.

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Week 4: Happy Employees – common, or scarce?

To kick off this discussion, remember what we were discussing this week about happy employees. Our lecture talked about making employees number one. How prevalent do you find this to be? Do you think it is common? Why or why not? Is it a lack of knowledge, ignorance, or arrogance? You would think that this concept was easy to understand. Do you think today’s managers and leaders forgot to read the handbook on effective employee management?

Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 

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Week 5: Manage Team Diversity and Avoid Groupthink

Our text discusses the conclusion of research: Diverse teams utilize diverse opinions and approaches and are generally more effective in their accomplishment of tasks. Yet, the text states “diversity appears to increase group conflict.”

In what ways does diversity make conflict into a positive result? How can the appreciation and encouragement of people to be themselves and share their thoughts result in cohesiveness and effectiveness?

What are some specific things you could do or say in any group to decrease the conflict inherent in diversity and increase the productivity inherent in many minds and styles working together?

How does dealing with diversity in teams help in avoiding groupthink? Think about the forces of groupthink and how they can be dealt with when diversity of opinions, ideas, strategies, is allowed to function in teams.

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Week 5: Organizational Climate: Warm and Open, or Chilly with a Chance of Rain?

As stated in Chapter 5, organizational climate is the hallmark of integrated purpose, strong focus on the advancement of the individual, and respect for all members. Discuss any situations you have encountered in your vocational experiences where this cohesiveness was evident. How did you feel? How do you think this climate affected turnover?

If you have not experienced this type of corporation, what kinds of expectations would you have when you join it? How do you think the employees feel about their situation? PSYC305 All Discussions Latest

Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 

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Week 6: Successful Change Management

Since change in the workplace is constant, a good leader knows how to implement and lead effective change. A description on p. 418 and 419 explains how change affects top management, middle management, and frontline employees. Read this section, and consider a time when you experienced change in your organization.

Describe how people at those three levels in the organization initiated or responded to the change. Did top management help his or her middle managers prepare employees for and implement the change? Did management understand the “losses” experienced by employees? Were employees resistant to the change? How did management overcome that resistance?

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Week 6: Stress and Burnout Prevention

What is burnout? Who gets burned-out?

Read the stories about Joe in “We Buried Joe Today” and the “A tragic story” about ambulance attendants on pages 432 and 433. Comment on the stories and similar ones you may have heard about.

Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 

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Week 7: Beneficial Conflict

Conflict can be beneficial to organizations, stimulating cohesiveness and creativity. Of course, it can have the opposite effect. Provide any examples of your experience with conflict. Read Fight for What’s Right: Ten Tips to Encourage Meaningful Conflict (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Also, after reviewing the chapter, list the positive results that can come from organizational conflict.

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Week 7: Cultural Sensitivity

4949 unread replies.112112 replies.Cultural sensitivity is crucial to local and global success. It is very difficult to be aware of and sensitive to issues and traditions we are ignorant about. How can we decrease our own ignorance? Can we be proactive about it, or do we just have to wait until someone alerts us that we are being insensitive? PSYC305 All Discussions Latest