PSYC101 Week 2 Forum Discussion

PSYC101 Week 2 Forum Discussion

PSYC101 Week 2 Forum Discussion

General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 2 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading”Forum General Posting Requirements”. All forums in this course have the same general posting requirements.

Imagine you are going to conduct research investigating a human behavior that you would be interested in learning more about.

1. Based on your readings and learning this week describe what research method you would use for investigating it.

2.What drew you to this method? Why would it be well suited for your hypothetical research?

3.What are the strengths and weaknesses of this type of research?

4.When responding to your classmates for the reply posts requirement, take their research topic of interest and recommend a different type of research approach to the study of the topic they chose (Ex: “Another method that might also work is _______” or “Have you thought of the _________ method?” – we want to be respectful and professional and not criticize a classmate’s method choice) and explain why you would recommend that alternative method.

To help jump start this part of the discussion, here is an example of a human behavior that has been researched: Say you were interested in whether men or women approach each other first in social situations where they do not know one another. You might have an opinion based on personal experience, but you want to avoid bias toward one’s own experience and ideas that such might cause, so you are going to conduct a research study. To research this, you might choose “naturalistic observation,” which could require going into nightclubs and taking note of what you observe men and women doing. Another research method would be to give out a survey to see how men and women respond to the question of whether they approach the other. Each method has strengths and weaknesses.

Be sure to check before posting that you have answered all of the questions, that you are basing your statements on concepts you learned about in your weekly readings and activities where required and that your post meets the general posting requirements located under the “View Full Description” link below the main Forum heading.


PSYC101 Week 3 Forum Discussion

Before responding to the questions below, click on the “Lessons” link on the left and complete the Week 3: Topic 3 – Memory lesson. After completing the lesson, return to the forum here, click the “Post New Conversation” link at the top Week 3 Forum screen, and respond to the following questions.

General posting requirements can be viewed by clicking the Week 3 Forum “View Full Description” link on the Forums screen under the heading “Forum General Posting Requirements”.

A great deal of controversy has surrounded the phenomenon of “false memory syndrome” and the implications that it has had in our society, particularly in the legal realm. One of the most influential psychologists in the area of memory and eye witness testimony is Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, who has spent three decades as a research psychologist and memory expert in legal cases. To learn more about the controversy surrounding “false memory syndrome,” visit the online LA Weekly website at to read the article, “Memory and Manipulation.”

Based on the points that the Loftus article brings up and your readings and research this week respond to the following:

What kind of implications do particular limitations of human memory have on the use of eye-witness testimony in criminal and civil court cases?