PSYC 101 Final Exam

PSYC 101 Final Exam

PSYC 101 Final Exam

I. On the line next to each vignette, rate the following behaviors according to the Abnormal Psychology scale below:

1 = Basically O.K. Psychotherapy is not necessary. 2 = Mild disturbance. Psychotherapy should be considered. 3 = Significant disturbance. Psychotherapy is definitely required. 4 = Severe disturbance. Hospitalize!

Bob is a very intelligent, 25 year old member of a religious organization that is based on Buddhism. Bob’s working for this organization caused considerable conflict between him and his parents, who are devout Catholics. Recently Bob experiences acute spells of nausea and fatigue that prevent him from working and which have forced him to return home to live with his parents. Various medical tests are being conducted, but as yet no physical causes of his problems have been found. __________________________________

Jim was vice president of the freshman class at a local college and played on the school’s football team. Later that year he dropped out of these activities and gradually became more and more withdrawn from friends and family. Neglecting to shave and shower, he began to look dirty and unhealthy. He spent most of his time alone in his room and sometimes complained to his parents that he heard voices in the curtains and in the closet. In his sophomore year he dropped out of school entirely. With increasing anxiety and agitation, he began to worry that the “Nazis” were plotting to kill his family and kidnap him. _____________________________________

Mary is a 30 year old musician who is very dedicated and successful in her work as a teacher in a local high school and as a part-time member of local musical groups. Since her marriage five years ago, which ended in divorce after six months, she has dated very few men. She often worries that her time is “running out” for establishing a good relationship with a man, getting married, and raising a family. Her friends tell her that she gets way too anxious around men, and that she needs to relax a little in general. _________________________________________

Larry, a homosexual who has lived for three years with a man he met in graduate school, works as a psychologist in a large hospital. Although competent in his work, he often feels strained by the pressures of his demanding position. An added source of tension on the job is his not being able to confide in all his co-workers about his private life. Most of his leisure activities are with good friends who belong to the gay subculture. ________________________________________

PSYC 101 Final Exam

II. Circle the correct answer for every Question below, then answer the rationalization below each question in your own words, from your own schemata:

1. John believes that all women are overly emotional, all Asian-Americans are good at math, and all

welfare clients are lazy. These are examples of

a. prejudice. c. stereotypes.

b. discrimination. d. social categorization.

In one robust paragraph, discuss one possible erroneous evaluation that could result from this social phenomenon, and one consequence:





2. Jenny has been experiencing persistent sadness, despair, guilt, hopelessness, and lack of interest in daily activities for the past few months, offset by a brief period of hyperactivity, irritability, increased appetite, and sleeplessness .

What disorder is Jenny experiencing? Briefly describe one treatment option for this disorder and one repercussion of the disorder if not treated properly:





3. Which of the following would you LEAST likely observe in a person who