PSY380 Week 5 Project 2 Module 5

PSY380 Week 5 Project 2 Module 5

PSY380 Week 5 Project 2 Module 5

Estimation and Hypothesis Testing for One Sample

Complete Project 2 as specified in the attached resource.

Submit the assignment in one of these two forms:

Handwritten and scanned, inserted into a single Word document.
Typed as a Word document. Necessary drawings can come from Paint or any other appropriate source, but must be inserted in the Word document.

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Does familiarity with neighbors lead to lower crime rates? A researcher has theorized that if neighbors know each other, then the crime rates will be lower than in communities in which neighbors do not have a relationship. When communities grow quickly the closeness of the community degrades. A study was done to see if there is a relationship between the crime rate and the percentage change in neighborhood population. 10 neighborhoods in a large metropolis were studied. The results are as follows.

Percentage Change in Neighborhood Population 29 2 11 17 7 6 51 13 19 7
Crime Rate (Crime per 1000 population) 173 35 132 127 69 53 223 104 99 45

1. Identify the Explanatory (X) and Response (Y) variable.

2. Find Persons Correlation Coefficient and determine if there exists a significant linear relationship.

3. Make a scatter plot of the data. Does the scatter plot support the decision from problem 2?

4. Find the Least Squares Regression Line for the data.

5. What percentage of variation in the crime rate that is explained by the linear relationship between the crime rate and the percentage of change in neighborhood population? (Hint: Coefficient of Determination)

Use the least squares regression line to predict the crime rate for a neighborhood with a change in population of 45 percent.