PSY200 Milestone One: Substance Addiction

PSY200 Milestone One: Substance Addiction

PSY200 Milestone One: Substance Addiction

3-2 Prevention Program Milestone One: Short Presentation

For Module Five, you will be designing a small prevention program that could be implemented at a health fair, at a workplace, or in a school. The goal of this assignment is to articulate the social, biological, and psychological consequences of addictive behaviors to an at-risk population and contextualize issues of addiction in historical and social frameworks.

For the presentation in this module, you will identify the population and addiction that you will be addressing with your prevention program.

Possible addictions (this is not an all-inclusive list):

X Alcohol





Possible populations (this is not an all-inclusive list):

X Adult





Church member



Possible population and prevention programs:

Seniors who have been diagnosed with macular degeneration who are experiencing increased depression and isolation

Youths who are not a part of the community and neighborhood functions due to playing video games

Employees using stimulants in the workplace to meet deadlines due to decreased personnel but increased production demands

The presentation should include 3–4 slides (not counting title slide and references slide) with speaker notes to address the following topics:

Population that you are using and why this population is at risk for this addiction

Addiction that you are using and the history of this addiction and its impact on society

Current impact on the population, family, workplace, and community from this addiction

An effective presentation will include:

Dynamic formatting of the slides

Appropriate images, charts, graphs, and so on

Clean bullets points that do not give too much information per slide

Use of the speaker notes section to clearly define the bullets of the slide and provide reference to cited materia

PSY 200

Case Study Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Throughout this course, you have learned about addictions, their impact on the individual/family/society, and treatment options. For the case study project, you will draw on what you have learned to analyze a provided case study.

For this milestone, you will be focusing on addiction and its effects.

Readthis case studyand write a short paper based on the following ritical elements:

Clientinformation and presenting problem

o Identify the client(gender, age, race, profession).

o Identify the addiction that this clientpresents with.

i. Does she have a substance addiction like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs?

ii. Does she have aprocess addiction like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?

o Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)

i. What is the history of the addiction? Remember, there are many types of addiction, and not all were defined around that time. For

example, video game addiction was not officially defined until 1995, while alcohol addiction was defined in 1941.

o What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community, and/or society?

i. What are the consequences for her, her family, her workplace, and her community due to the addiction?

ii. Has she lost her family, job, friends, community standing, selfesteem, credibility, freedom?



o Discuss the results of this case.

i. Did the client respond positively to the treatment?

ii. Did the client relapse?

Guidelines for Submission:

This submission should follow APA formatting guidelines, use 12 point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins,be at least 3 pages in length, not including the title page and references page, and employ a minimum of 2 scholarly sources that directly support your main ideas.