PSY-845 Module 1 DQ 2 – Course Review

PSY-845 Module 1 DQ 2 – Course Review

PSY-845 Module 1 DQ 2 – Course Review

In reviewing chapter 2, how much did you recognize and understand from your PSY-845 class? What are some elements that are still confusing to you? Try to be specific as this will help you plan your work approach for this class.

Chapter two did represent a great review of the knowledge I have gained in previous statistical courses. I always appreciate the ability to review concepts that may be fuzzy in my brain. I feel like I have a good understanding of the different types of variables, how to set up a hypothesis, and reading of data. Some of the places of struggle for me are understanding the difference in scales, such as ratio, ordinal, and so on. Also determining which type of test is most appropriate for the research being conducted is still challenging for me to comprehend. I confess that I bring a strong level of anxiety to this course. Interestingly, I read a research article that discussed a study showing a correlation of reduced student anxiety as they built their own belief in their ability to understand the statistical concepts (McGrath et al, 2015). I hope that as this course progresses, I can also build up my own self-confidence in order to work towards a better understanding of statistical research methods.

McGrath, A. L., Ferns, A., Greiner, L., Wanamaker, K., & Brown, S. (2015). Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Self-Efficacy within an Advanced Graduate Psychology Statistics Course. Canadian Journal For The Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning, 6(1),

Deborah Hill opinion 1.1

Based on your previous classes to date, what are some of areas of interests and research questions you have identified for your dissertation? What types of designs, measures for the variables, and statistical analyses have you noticed that others have used for this area of research?

I am intrigued by mind/brain processing and cognitive development that integrates learning. The science of learning encompasses broadthemes that many times are difficult to narrow, but the power of belief is my central topic. My primary questions revolve around a social learning theory that belief is powerful and the controlling interest in an ever changing world. (1.) Does the power of belief stimulate mental perceptions and facilitate growth? (2.) Does the mind/brain theory respond to the unction of what people innately desire based on belief? ( 3.) Is society controlled by systems of belief and if so, (4.) Is the real power of social integration an exercise in what others believe?

I have read the history of L. Ron Hubbard for methodology that created a world of scientology to understand the impact of his theory on indiviuals and his developing business. In a current article, L. Ron Hubbard’s quest to promote self interest for those who dare to achieve were deemed his adventure-scholars. The indoctrination of club members perpetuated a society of Belief in Scientology that became the legacy of Hubbard (Dokoupil, 2013). I have to admit that my focus has shifted towards course-work research that have shaped and shifted my thoughts. Psychological research examines belief perseverance, rationalization and motivated reasoning and finds that the human mind is susceptable to belief systems (Boundry, & Braeckman, 2013).

Designs are mostly qualitative as well as quantitative, variables consist of surveys and groups.



Boudry, M., & Braeckman, J. (2012). How convenient! The epistemic rationale of self-validating belief systems. Philosophical Psychology, 25(3), 341-364. doi:10.1080/09515089.2011.579420

Dokoupil, T. (2013). L. Ron Hubbard’s Secret Self. Newsweek Global, 161(4), 1.