Psy 625 week 5




Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s and other related Dementia’s


PSY625: Biological Bases of Behavior

Irene Nielsen

May 21, 2018

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s and other related Dementia’s

Specific Aims

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and neurodegenerative disorder, currently projected to affect 5.7 million in 2018. An early and accurate diagnosis could save the lives of $7.9 trillion in costs associated with medical and other types of care necessary for those who are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading form of dementia worldwide and is becoming a global epidemic.

The proposed research seeks to examine one of the most expensive diseases in the country. AD-related expenses average five times higher than the average per-person payments for seniors without these conditions. As the disease advances, patients will require a wide range of services as most patients survive an average of 4 to 8 years after being diagnosed. This condition has been identified as the imbalance between production and clearance of amyloid ? (A?) and tau proteins.

The plan is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease can be accomplished by identifying the cause of the disease. This can be made possible through further research to identify the cause of the plaque which damages cells in the brain affecting memory. Progress made in this area in addition to identifying ways to reduce the risk of developing dementia by completing research efforts specific to this area of neurology is necessary.

This can be accomplished by understanding brain health and early detection of the onset of the disease. AD research has shown some positive results in mice but has yet to be introduced to humans on a grand scale, (Morgan, 2006). Treatments have not been identified to slow the progression and unfortunately there is no cure. As a result, further funding is required to pay for the research needed to identify how to make an impact. Many organizations, such as AIM and the Alzheimer’s Association are working to prevent AD by 2025, however, additional and much-needed funding is required to accomplish that goal.


Based on the Alzheimers Association, the medical costs of AD are projected to increase to 14 million by 2050 and reach as high as $277 billion in 2018. Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of deaths in the US, killing more than Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer combine. Alzheimer’s disease-related deaths have shown an increase of 123% from 2000 to 2015. People currently living with the disease number 5.7 million and that number is projected to increase by nearly 14 million by 2050, (
