PSY_503_Human sexuality_FINAL

PSY 503

Human Sexuality

Text: Human Sexuali y Today 6th edition, 2009

ISBN: 0-‘ 3-604245


Bruce M. King


Pearson Education

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter our answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1) In the United States, sexua attitudes and behaviors are influenced by:

a. level of education.

b. socioeconomic status.

c. ethnicity.

d. All of the above.

2) Which of the following was NOT true of the biblical Jews?

PSY 503 – Human Sexuality

a. The primary object of s1x was to have children.

b. Sexual relations between a husband and wife were regarded as something very positive.

c. Women were considered to be property.

d. The genitals were considered to be obscene.

3) Which of these individuals thought that a celibate lifestyle was superior to marriage?

a. Plato

b. Jesus

c. Saint Paul

d. Henry Havelock Ellis

4) Which of the following did NOT have a negative attitude about the human body?

a. Victorians

b. Biblical Hebrews

c. Early Christians

d. All of the above.

5) A recently discovered questionnaire conducted by Dr. Clelia Mosher in 1892 reveals that most married Victorian ‘t’0men:

a. were sexually repressed ,nd prudish.

b. desired and enjoyed sex.

c. engaged in sex only for p ocreation.

d. did not enjoy sex, but engaged in it to perform their “wifely duties’;



PSY 503 – Human Sexuality

6) Which branch of the medi~ has research found to be the most powerful socializing agent for teenagers’ sexual attitudes and behavior?

a. Movies

b. Music (including radio)

c. Magazines

d. Television

7) Advertisers use attractive rodels in sexy or romantic poses to sell their products. This is called:

a. a socializing agent.

b. socialization.

c. idealization.

d. identification.

8) Which of these is a problem for surveys used in sex research?

a. Lying

b. Exaggeration

c. Faulty recall

d. All of the above.

9) The scientific method used to demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships is called:

a. Experimental research

b. Correlation

c. Direct observation

d. All of the above.

10) The modern view of childr1n as vulnerable and needing protection arose:

a. during the 17005.

b. in early Christianity.

c. in medieval times.

d. with the end of the Victorian era.


11) The clitoral hood is formed by the joining of the:

a. mons veneris and labia majora.

b. labia minora.

e. labia majora and labia inora. d. labia majora.

12) In women, the organ mos similar to the penis in structure is the:

a. cervix.

b. vagina. e. labia. d. clitoris.

13) The best time for women tb examine themselves for breast cancer is:

a. all times during the me~strual cycle are equally good.

b. after menstruation. e. during ovulation.

d. during menstruation.

14) Vaginal lubrication:

a. results from the walls oqhe vagina becoming filled with blood.

b. is super-filtered blood plasma.

e. often decreases after rnehopause. d. All of the above.

15) Each egg is contained withln a thin capsule to form a(n):

a. ovary.

b. fimbria. e. follicle. d. ovum.

PSY 503 – Human Sexuality



PSY 503 – Human Sexuality

16) The ovaries:

a. have a direct connection with the Fallopian tubes.

b. develop from the same embryonic tissue as the testicles.

c. continue to produce ne\v eggs from birth through menopause.

d. All of the above.

17) The smooth rounded end of the penis is called the:

a. corona.

b. penile gland.

c. corpora cavernosa.

d. glans.

18) Cancer of the is the most common non-skin type of cancer in men.

a. testicles

b. vas deferens

c. prostate

d. epididymis

19) Which of these statements regarding the prostate gland is TRUE?

a. Early symptoms of prostate problems may include difficulty in urination or frequent need to

urinate, especially at night.

b. About one man in every 1,000 develops cancer of the prostate.

C. Enlargement of the prostate is most common in men over age 40.

d. The American Cancer Society recommends that all men have a yearly prostate exam starting at age 50, or 45 if you are African American,

20) A woman’s menstrual cycle begins with the release of:

a, luteinizing hormone.

b. follicle-stimulating hormone.

c. estrogen.

d. progesterone.


21) If implantation fails to occur, the corpus luteum:

a. will secrete progesterone continually for 3 months.

b. will degenerate.

c. will secrete estrogen cohtinually for 3 months.

d. All of the above.

22) Menstruation consists of:

a. cervical mucus.

b. blood.

c. sloughed off endometrial tissue.

d. All of the above.

PSY 503 – Human Sexuality

23) Women’s menstrual cycles vary mostly because of the differences in the length of their:

a. preovulatory phases.

b. postovulatory phases.

c. ovulation phases.

d. menstrual phases.

24) Some studies have found that women who live together eventually have synchronized menstrual cycles. Evidence suggests that this is due to:

a. pheromones.

b. hormones.

c. estrogen.

d. gonadotropins.

25) In mammals that have an estrous cycle, the female is sexually receptive only during:

a. menstruation.

b. the postovulatory phase.

c. the preovulatory phase.

d. ovulation.



PSY 503 – Human Sexuality

26) Studies indicate that women:

a. can be interested in sex any time during the menstrual cycle.

b. show a large peak in sexual interest in the week before ovulation.

c. show a large peak in sexual interest at the time of ovulation.

d. show a large peak in sexual interest in the week after ovulation.

27) Many couples avoid sexual intercourse during menstruation because:

a. women are biologically programmed not to be interested in sex at this time.

b. of socially learned negative attitudes.

c. the chance of infection is greatest at this time.