PSY 430 M2 Case Study: Cultural Competence

PSY 430 M2 Case Study: Cultural Competence

PSY 430 M2 Case Study: Cultural Competence

For this assignment, you will refer to the section “Course Case Study.” Reread the case study, looking specifically at issues related to cultural competence. Examine the ACA’s and APA’s ethical guidelines related to the issue of cultural competence and respond to the following:

Describe the ethical issues related to cultural competence.
Examine the influence of your own personal values as related to the diversity issues presented in this case. Reflect on how you felt as you read the case study, how your values came into play, and how you would handle your values in a situation such as this.
Make recommendations based on your readings and the APA or ACA ethics codes.
Be sure to apply specific ethical principles.
Save the paper as AU_PSY430_M2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit it to the M2 Assignment Your response should be at least 2 pages long.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Described the ethical issues related to cultural competence.
Explained how one’s own personal values relate to diversity in the case study.
Made recommendations based on readings and the ethics codes.
Applied specific ethical principles.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.