PSY 202 Week 4 Quiz latest

PSY 202 Week 4 Quiz latest

PSY 202 Week 4 Quiz latest

1. Question : During a routine eye examination, Don was told that he has increased pressure in his eye. He has been diagnosed with

2. Question : Cathy is experiencing menopause. According to the popular definition, this means she has not experienced a menstrual period for:

3. Question : Paulina has high cholesterol and wants to reduce her chances of having cardiovascular disease. When going out to eat at the local diner, which is the best menu item for her to order?

4. Question : Boris and Natasha just dropped off their last child at college. As they left the campus Natasha turned to Boris and exclaimed, “Woo Hoo! Time to celebrate our independence!” Her reaction

5. Question : Beginning in his 50s, Sako began to have difficulty urinating and has been waking up at night to make frequent trips to the bathroom. Sako’s most likely diagnosis is

6. Question : In general, children of gay and lesbian parents show deficits in ___________________ development.

7. Question : Veronica had her first child at age 21 and Betty had her first at age 33. Their timing of childbearing and their shared experiences regarding things like family health and support illustrate a:

8. Question : 43-year-old Sima and her 44-year-old husband Benik have three children. They spend their free time coaching soccer, volunteering at their children’s school, and often think about the importance of planning for their childrens’ college educations. According to Erikson, Sima and Benik are experiencing

9. Question : Which of the following pairs of conditions share the same causal factors due to secondary aging?

10. Question : Trish is approaching middle adulthood. She makes a point to exercise regularly and maintain a diet high in calcium. Evidence shows these behaviors will reduce her risk of

PSY 202 Week 5 Assignment My Life Past, Present and Future


PSY 202 Week 5 DQ 1, DQ 2 and DQ 3

As we enter into the late adulthood of life, we continue to change physically, cognitively, and socio-emotionally. Everyone has different perspectives regarding age and this directly relates personal experiences. Reflect on your current age and address the following:

What are some examples of the physical and cognitive changes people go through when they enter late adulthood?
Did you expect the age in which you currently are, would be different than it is?
Where would like to see yourself ten years from now in terms of your family life, career, and education?

Week 5 DQ 2 

Understanding that we are not defined by our job titles is an important part of developing a healthy and sustainable self-image because many of us find our self-image through our jobs.

Identify and explain which of Holland’s six personality types relates to you the most? (Review Table 2.1 in Chapter Two for a list of personality types, characteristics, and matching careers.)
Does your current career or future career goals match a career that fits your personality type?
How might career satisfaction impact self-image?

Use Adult Development and Lifetime Assessment as your primary source for this discussion, and include at least one in-text citation and a reference in APA formatting at the end of the post. Please be sure to highlight the citation in yellow. Remember, the citation is included in your content and the reference is added at the bottom of your post. Using the toolbar on the textbox window, highlight the citation in yellow. Review the PSY202: Writing Resource for an example.

Week 5 DQ 3 

Scenario 1

Sheryl is a single working mother, constantly striving to balance work, family, and friends. Recently, she enrolled in an online bachelor’s degree program for Healthcare Administration to improve her situation in life. While doing research for a final paper, Sheryl finds a very helpful article that states her own opinion exactly. Excited about her findings, she cuts and pastes two paragraphs from the article into her paper. She changes some of the words in a couple of the sentences and adds one more sentence of her own, and then she is ready to turn it in.

Scenario 2

William often works 40-60 hours a week for a finance company and has three small children. In order to be considered for a promotion, William enrolls in the MBA program at Ashford, though it adds more responsibilities to his busy schedule. Usually balancing his work schedule with his family and schoolwork is not a problem, but this week has been an exception. All of his time has been devoted to preparing a presentation he will need to give at work. His son’s team has made the playoffs and he plans to attend tonight’s game. On his way out the door, he realizes that he needs to post his discussion for his class. Already running late, and knowing that his son is counting on him to be there, William, in a moment of desperation, decides to simply copy word for word from his textbook and submit his post without giving credit to his sources or adding his own analysis.


Would Sheryl’s actions be considered plagiarism under the Ashford University plagiarism policy? What about William’s goals?
What should Sheryl and William do to be sure they are in compliance with the Honor Code?
Is William’s instructor likely to notice that he copied from the textbook?
What are some potential consequences of being caught plagiarizing?

PSY 202 Week 5 Job Description