PSY 201 Paper Rubric and Essay

PSY 201 Paper Rubric and Essay

PSY 201 Paper Rubric and Essay

PSY 201 Paper Rubric
CATEGORY Unacceptable Acceptable Good Excellent
Introduction Does not

adequately convey

topic. Does not

describe subtopics

to be reviewed. Does not define key terms.

Lacks adequate

thesis statement.

Conveys topic in general terms. Key terms not clearly defined. Describes

subtopics to be

reviewed. General

thesis statement.

Conveys topic well.

Clearly delineates

subtopics to be

reviewed. Key terms defined in general terms. General thesis statement.


introduction of topic’s key

ideas and terms. Clearly delineates subtopics to be

reviewed. Key terms clearly and specifically defined. Specific thesis statement.

Focus and Sequencing of Body Paragraphs Little supporting

Material; material not

logically organized

into topic and subtopic; or material is poorly related to topic and subtopic. Transitions

are unclear or nonexistent.

Some material

clearly related to

subtopic and main

topic. Material

not well organized within subtopic.

Some variety of transitions.

All material clearly

related to subtopic,

main topic and logically organized within subtopic. Clear, varied

transitions linking subtopic and main topic.

All material clearly

related to subtopic and

main topic. Strong organization and integration of material within subtopic. Strong transitions linking

subtopic and main topic.

Support Few sources

supporting thesis;

or sources only tangentially related to topic; or points unsubstantiated.

Sources generally

acceptable and related to topic but not

peer reviewed

research/evidence based.

Some sources well selected to support thesis with some research in support of thesis. Strong peer reviewed

research-based support for thesis.

Text Integration No integration of relevant text material. Minimal integration of relevant text material. Good integration of relevant text material. Excellent integration of relevant text material.
Synthesis of Sources No synthesis (comparing/contrasting) of sources. Minimal synthesis (comparing/contrasting) of sources. Good synthesis (comparing/contrasting) of sources. Excellent synthesis (comparing/contrasting) of sources.
Conclusion Does not summarize

evidence with respect to thesis statement. Does not discuss the impact of

research material on topic.

Summary of some key conclusions. Some integration with thesis statement. Some discussion of impact of research material related to topic. Good summary of key conclusions. Good

integration with thesis

statement. Good discussion of impact of research related to topic.

Strong review of

key conclusions.

Strong integration

with thesis statement.

Insightful discussion of

impact of the research related to topic.

Grammar and Mechanics Grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors substantially detract from the clarity of the paper. Some grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the clarity of the paper. Few grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors that do not detract from the clarity of the paper. The paper is free

of grammatical, spelling

& punctuation errors.

APA Style and Format



Errors in APA style detract substantially from the paper. Word choice is informal in tone. Writing is choppy,

with many awkward or unclear passages.

Several errors in APA style. Word choice somewhat informal in tone. Writing has some

awkward or unclear passages.

Very few errors in APA

style that do not detract from the paper. Scholarly style. Writing has minimal awkward or unclear passages.

No errors in APA style. Scholarly style. Writing is

is well organized and easy

to follow.

Citations and References Many reference and

citation errors that

detract significantly from paper.

Several references or citations missing

or incorrectly written.

Few references or

citations missing or incorrectly written.

All references and citations are correctly written and prese