Pschology Paper

People often don鈥檛 like change and may not push beyond comfort zones unless nudged. Yet change is inevitable. Understanding, embracing, and empowering others to view change as a tool is one of the many challenges of today鈥檚 leaders. Effective leaders not only foster and facilitate change, they empower others to cope with, adapt to, and sometimes even embrace it. This is true empowerment given the fact that change is the constant.

To prepare for this Discussion:

路 聽Review Chapter 4 in your course text. Pay particular attention to the section titled, “The Concept of Visioning.”

路 聽Review Chapter 17 in your course text. Focus on rules to guide leaders in implementing change and the importance of attitude.

路 聽Consider how an effective leader fosters and supports change.

路 聽Think of聽two聽characteristics an effective leader would need to foster and support change.

路 聽Consider聽two聽strategies a leader might employ to empower people in coping with, adapting to, and even embracing change.

路 聽Think of an example of an effective leader who is or was successful in fostering and supporting change. The leader may be someone you know personally or a historic or current figure who is a prominent leader.


With these thoughts in mind:

Post聽a response to the following:

Explain the role of effective leaders in fostering and supporting change while empowering others in the process. Include聽two聽characteristics that such leaders would need, as well as聽two聽strategies they might employ in order to empower people to cope with, adapt to, and embrace change. Provide an example of someone who is or was effective in this role and explain why and how.