PS430 Unit 7 Assignment

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Assignment Rubrics

Course: PS430 Program Design and Evaluation

A description of all Assignments/Projects to be completed can be found under each of the units in the course. Rubrics for all assignments/projects can be found below.

Unit 3 Assignment 1


Grading Criteria

Completes the Learning Activity and submits screenshot by due date

25 points

Screenshot of completed Learning Activity was not submitted.

0 points

An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.    

Unit 6 Assignment and Unit 7 Assignment 1

Grading Criteria Points




Demonstrates an understanding of the learning outcomes and course material. 0-15
Addresses all aspects of the assignment clearly. 0-10
Total 25
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.

Units 9 Assignment 1

Grading Criteria Points




Demonstrates an understanding of the learning outcomes and course material. 0-15
Addresses all aspects of the assignment clearly. 0-15
Total 30
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.

CLA Assignment Rubrics

Unit 3 Assignment 2

Areas shaded in gray connect to a CLA/GEL

Grading Criteria Points




Clearly defines all important aspects of Organizational Behavior Management.

Describes a specific application of OBM in detail.

Contains no misunderstanding

Clearly and correctly explains the fundamental principles of behavior and provides examples of how each is applied organizations including a discussion of:

Respondent Conditioning

Operant Conditioning

Verbal Behavior

Clearly discusses why a behavior analytic approach is preferred to a non-scientific approach. 0-10
Clearly identifies and describes specific reasons that ABA principles are important when creating behavior management programs 0-10

PowerPoint presentation includes a title slide, introduction slide with thesis statement, conclusion slide, and in-text citations and reference slide using APA style. Presentation is appropriate in length (body of the presentation should be a minimum of 12 slides, not including the title slide or reference slide). Presentation includes reference to the text book and at least 1 other academic source.


Presentation uses Standard American English including correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Presentation is free of typographical errors. Presentation includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Presentation demonstrates superior organization; communication is highly ordered, logical and unified.

Total 90
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.

Unit 7 Assignment 2

Areas shaded in gray connect to a CLA/GEL.

Grading Criteria Points




Clearly explains the general purpose of each of the 3 sets of data presented and how each set of data can be used in the program evaluation process.

Correctly identifies the type of data collected for all figures as either quantitative or qualitative.

Contains no misunderstandings