Prosocial Behavior and Bystander Effect Assignment

Prosocial Behavior and Bystander Effect Assignment

Prosocial Behavior and Bystander Effect Assignment

Extra Credit Discussion Board available on our iCollege classroom page. You may post to this discussion board an article, a brief video clip, an activity, etc. that you think is relevant to a topic we’re addressing in class. You should include with the link a short explanation of how or why you think this posting is relevant to course material (approximately 100 words). You should also include which chapter of the text the concept is covered in.

The lecture slides are saved as docs. Each lecture should have a article, video, or activity that is relevant to the lecture slides. Please try and mix up activities so that all want just be videos.

The last topic is but there are no slides:

Prosocial Behavior & bystander effect

Defensive Attributions

? unrealistic optimism

? The bias that good things are more likely to happen to you and bad things are more likely to happen to others

? belief in a just world

? The assumption that bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people.

Social Cognition

How We Think about the Social World

? Adventurous

? Self-confident

? Independent

? Persistent

? Reckless

? Conceited

? Aloof

? Stubborn

Donald spent a great deal of time in search of what he liked to call excitement. He had already climbed Mt. McKinley, shot the Colorado rapids in a kayak, driven in a demolition derby, and piloted a jet-powered boat– without knowing very much about boats. He had risked injury, and even death, a number of times…. By the way he acted one could readily guess that Donald was well aware of his ability to do many things well.

Other than business engagements, Donald’s contacts with people were rather limited. He felt he didn’t really need to rely on anyone. Once Donald made up his mind to do something it was as good as done no matter how long it might take or how difficult the going might be. Only rarely did he change his mind even when it might have been better if he had.


Higgins, Rholes, and Jones (1977)

? What do you think of Donald?

Impressions depended on the preceding list of words









% Forming Positive


Positive Negative


Thought or Cognition

? Automatic: thinking that is non-conscious, unintentional, involuntary, and effortless ? Count from 1-10

? Controlled: thinking that is conscious, intentional, voluntary, and effortful

? Count from 1-10 in alphabetical order…starting with eight.

Automatic Believing: Controlled Unbelieving

? Gilbert’s (1991) theory of automatic believing.

Initial acceptance of information

Assess truthfulness of accepted beliefs

Unaccept if necessary

