Project Management Concepts for APN

Project Management Concepts for APN

Project Management Concepts for APN

These are discussion threads 2 paragraphs each. My practice is medical/surgical/observation unit. Below is the questions and where to get the information. Scholarly article 6-8 years old. Thank you.

Project Management Concepts for APN

Discussion 1 In one of the reading assignments this week you reviewed advance nurse practitioner (APN) roles and the application of project management concepts, one of the major elements of NI, but new to most nurses. Does this have an application to your practice? Why or why not?



Sipes, C. (2016). Project management for the advanced practice nurse, Springer.

•   Chapter 1: Basic Project Management for Advance Practice Nurses and Health Care Professionals; Examples of APN Projects/Roles. pp. 4-11

•   Chapter 1: Basic Project Management for Advance Practice Nurses and Health Care Professionals; Project Management: Why do we need it? Pp. 12

•   Chapter 2: Advanced practice nurse role description and application of project management concepts; Chapter 2, pp 16-24

Website Exploration:

Visit the following site (explore healthcare technology news on CPOE, EMRs, E-prescribing, HIE, PHRs, HIT stimulus, and other health IT news)

Discussion 2 A new concept for some organizations is to allow nurses to bring in their own devices known as bring your own devices (BYOD) to use at work. What are some of the security issues you might encounter if this were allowed? How would you address these issues?

Assignment Details

For this Assignment, you are going to write a paper explaining how you developed your theory through the four stages (theorizing, syntax, theory testing, and evaluation). Your paper must be 3 to 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • Minimum requirement of at least 5 sources of support
  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.