Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment

Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment

Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment

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This assignment fulfils the following course objective

Promote professional development for self and others, in order to advance the nursing profession.
A portfolio is used as a measurement outcome and allows students to reflect on their academic experience, synthesize their accomplishments and develop a plan for future professional growth. The portfolio will be divided into three parts. Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment


Part 1 – Goals for Transition to Professional Nursing Practice.

In this section you will write a 2-3 page paper in which you will identify your professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. You will also develop professional goals. Developing a plan for your future career goals will lay out the clinical and educational resources you need to be prepared for opportunities when they arise. In order to focus your goals, you will be utilizing two of the eight areas of Miller’s Wheel of Professionalism.

Write an outline of your goals, they can be clinical, educational or both. What are your strengths, weaknesses, and current assets? Where you now and what opportunities or threats will aid or impede your progress towards your goals? How will you utilize your opportunities and deal with threats to succeed towards your professional growth. Where you now and what opportunities or threats will aid or impede your progress towards your goals? How will you utilize your opportunities and deal with threats to succeed towards your professional growth. What skills or educational requirements are needed to get you where you want to go?

State how you will accomplish these goals. What resources do you need to attain each step and how will those resources be attained. Resources may be funding sources, time resources and/or commitments from your employer or family and friends.
Develop a time frame. How will you accomplish your goals in 3 or 5 years? How will you stay on track? You may decide you want deadlines for the completion of a phase of your professional development plan, or deadlines for the beginning of each step. However you set up the timeline, it is one of the most critical parts for keeping on track.

Outline for writing the first part of your portfolio is below. Professional Portfolio Part 1 Assignment

Part 1- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice

Professional Development

Personal History and career plans
Outline your goals:
Focus: Clinical, educational, or both
Time frame: 3 years & 5 years
Select two of the eight areas of Miller’s Wheel of Professionalism and relate them to your professional goals.
Indicate how you will accomplish your 3 year goal? 5 year goal? Include dates.

Professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Identify your professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Discuss how these may impede or help you progress towards obtaining your goal

Spelling, Sentence Structure, Organization and Grammar. 10%