Preparing For Your First Meeting With An Individual

I. Preparing for Your First Meeting with an Individual

Please read the scenario below and then answer the questions. After completing the questions,

please upload your responses to your professor.

Your supervisor lets you know that there has been a recent call from Sheila Jones, a 35-year-old

female, whose nephew was recently killed as a result of gang violence in the community. Ms.

Jones reports having difficulty eating and sleeping and is reaching out for help because she

doesn’t want to be a burden to the rest of her family. Ms. Jones was seen three years ago at this

agency for six months for issues with depression.

1. a. How would you use preparatory reviewing to prepare for your meeting with Ms.


b. How would this be helpful?

c. What might be challenging?

2. a. How would you use preparatory exploring to prepare for your meeting with Ms. Jones?

b. How would this be helpful?

c. What might be challenging?

3. a. How would you use preparatory consulting to prepare for your meeting with Ms.


b. How would this be helpful?

c. What might be challenging?

4. a. How would you use preparatory arranging to prepare for your meeting with Ms. Jones?

b. How would this be helpful?