Philosophy Assignment: The nature of reality

Philosophy Assignment: The nature of reality

Philosophy Assignment: The nature of reality

Part I: Select any 5 areas of philosophy identified below.  Write at least two paragraphs for each area describing what you think is the most convincing or valid philosophical theory and why.  Do not copy from the textbook or lesson material.  Be sure to demonstrate in your own words what you have learned.

  • The nature of reality
  • The nature and limits of human knowledge
  • The nature and limits of science
  • Ethics – what is the good life?
  • Social philosophy – what is the good society?
  • Freedom versus determinism
  • The nature of mind and self
  • The existence of God
  • The meaning of life
  • The most important philosophical issue or theme for the future

Part II: Based on the theories or points of view you select, describe any common themes and messages embodied within this set of theories. Write a minimum of two paragraphs.

Part III: Outline a philosophy of life based on this set of theories and common themes. How does this philosophy provide guidelines and direction for leading a good life? Write a minimum of two paragraphs.

Part IV: Compare your answer to your Pre-test answer. Describe the fundamental differences and similarities. In what ways have you grown or learned important and relevant new ideas in this course? What do you see differently than before? What stayed the same for you? How would you define wisdom differently? Write a minimum of two paragraphs.


Part V: In your first essay on deep learning, you identified why deep learning was important, what educational values support deep learning, and why critical thinking is important to your education. How have you used these concepts in this class? How have your critical thinking skills improved over the course of this class, in what ways have you experienced deep learning, and which values were most important to you? Write a minimum of two paragraphs.