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PCN 521 Week 3 Assignment 1 -Personal Family Interview
Conduct an interview with one or both of your parents about your family history. If this is not possible, consider interviewing your spouse’s parents or another older family member such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.
Note key family dynamics, relationship triangles, and relationship processes (instances of emotional fusion or reactive distancing, general level of differentiation in the family, etc.). Be sure to ask couples how they met and about their courtship.
Present your findings in an informal paper of 500-750 words.
Conclude by reflecting on your experience. Did the Bowen structure shed light on any family structures previously unknown?
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
Sample Introductory Solution
Marriage and family are key structures in most societies. While the two institutions have historically been closely linked in Canadian culture, their connection is becoming more complex. The relationship between marriage and family is an interesting topic of study to sociologists. What is marriage? Different people define it in different ways. Not even sociologists are able to agree on a single meaning. For our purposes, we will define marriage as a legally recognized social contract between two people, traditionally based on a sexual relationship and implying a permanence of the union. In creating an inclusive definition, we should also consider variations, such as whether a legal union is required (think of “common- law” marriage and its equivalents), or whether more than two people can be involved (consider polygamy).
Criteria Actual/Possible points
Introduction (2.5 points each): 5 /5
__x Cited Attention Getter __ Not cited Attention Getter
_x_ Clear Thesis statement __ No or Unclear thesis statement
Body(5 points each): 6 /10
__x Clear topic sentence __ Unclear topic sentences
__ Effective transitions x__ No transitions
Conclusion (2.5 points each): 5 /5
x__ Paraphrases Central Idea __ Exact C.I. restatement or nothing
x__ Explicitly ties back to A.G. __ no tie back
Analysis (10 points each): 20 /40
__x ‘ism’ thoroughly described __ unclear/ perfunctory description
_ Rhetorical appeals Analyzed x_ unclear analysis
__ Target Audience analyzed x__ No/inaccurate audience analysis
_x_ Critical cultural elements __ No analysis of critical cultural elements
Writing: 10 /10
_x_ Grammar/ spelling Correct __ Grammatical/ spelling errors
Within constraints:
1,000-1,500 words/ word count included after the works cited/references 15 /15
Cites following APA (references) or MLA (works cited) 15 /15