PCN 505 Topic 2 DQ 1

Janet has been seen by you for treatment of depression. On intake, she disclosed that she was in AA and had been sober for 6 months. Janet seems to be happy with her progress, but after a few sessions, she seems to be noncommunicative and upset. After six sessions, she discontinues therapy with you. You learn that she has engaged another counselor who treats alcohol use and the co-occurring disorders. This morning you received notice from your licensing board that Janet filed a complaint against you alleging that you attempted to treat Janet’s addiction to alcohol and that you did not have the expertise necessary to do so. You are a Licensed professional counselor but you have not obtained training in addictions. Based on this information, answer the following questions:


1.Does Janet have a valid complaint? Why or why not?


2.How would you respond to the Licensing board complaint?


3.How would you avoid this type of complaint in the future?


  1. What problem area would the internet intervention address?
  2. Provide a general description of the proposed internet intervention.
  3. How would the effectiveness of the proposed intervention be tested?
  4. What are any legal and ethical issues related to the proposed intervention? Include the specific APA ethical standard(s) in your response.