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Patient Intake and Follow-Up Workflow Template
Reference Figure 7-16 in Ch. 7 (p. 176) of your textbook Health Information Technology and Management.
Read the following scenario.
Dorothy has been experiencing constant headaches and fatigue. She decides it is time to visit her doctor, and she contacts her doctor’s office and schedules an appointment for the following day.
Complete the table below by identifying 10 to 12 steps you will need to follow when assisting Dorothy from patient intake to patient follow-up. Be as specific as possible. For example, Step 1 may be, “Dorothy walks into the doctor’s office and registers.” Patient Intake to Patient Follow-Up Workflow.
Step | Description |
Step 1 | |
Step 2 | |
Step 3 | |
Step 4 | |
Step 5 | |
Step 6 | |
Step 7 | |
Step 8 | |
Step 9 | |
Step 10 | |
Step 11 | |
Step 12 |
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Resource: Patient Intake and Follow-Up Workflow Template
Reference Figure 7-16 in Ch. 7 (p. 176) of the textbook Health Information Technology and Management.
Complete the Workflow Template showing the process you will need to follow when assisting Dorothy from patient intake to patient follow-up. (Attached)
Good proposal title. Adequately describes some of the key elements of the health improvement proposal however it could be more detailed / inclusive.
Satisfactory proposal title however there is room for improvement. Your title could be more specific and refer more clearly to all the key elements of the health improvement proposal.
Inadequate proposal title – does not provide an informative, relevant title for the project. There is no indication of key elements and what the health improvement proposal is about.
Maximum 5 marks 4.5 – 5.0 4.0 3.5 2.5 – 3.0 <= 2.0
2. Aim / objectives:
Describes the overall aim (the idea) of the project, that is the health improvement to be achieved
Describe three objectives, written as specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART).
Describes an idea that is underpinned by concepts and principles relevant to community nursing
Describes a feasible idea that is relevant to the role of the community nurse working in the specified context.
Excellent work, clearly describes feasible aim / objectives. Provides sufficient detail so the reader can assess if the desired health improvements can be achieved / evaluated.
A very good standard for this section. Clearly describes feasible aim / objectives. There is minor room for improvement in how these are described so the reader can assess if the desired health improvements can be achieved / evaluated.
A good standard for this section. Describes some feasible aim / objectives of the project. There is room for improvement in how these aims / objectives are expressed. The aims / objectives should be written in a way that provides sufficient detail to the reader so they can assess if the desired health improvements can be achieved / evaluated.
A satisfactory standard for this section. Describes some feasible aim / objectives of the project. There is room for improvement in this section. You should only refer to what you hope to achieve if the project is successful. You should provide sufficient detail about the desired health improvements so the reader could later assess whether the specific improvements were achieved.
Inadequate attempt to describe the overall aim / objectives of the project. Does not meet a satisfactory standard for this criterion. This section needs to clearly describe what the project aims to achieve, that is it should describe the desired health improvements. These should be written in a way that provides sufficient detail to the reader so they can assess whether the aims / objectives can be achieved or evaluated.
Maximum 10 marks 8.5 – 10.0 7.5 -8.0 6.5 – 7.0 5.0 – 6.0 <= 4.5
3804NRS Community Nursing Practice – Assessment 2 (A2): Health promotion project proposal (40%) Marking rubric
Health promotion project proposal (A2): Marking rubric Page 2
Criteria (Mark allocation) Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory. Patient Intake to Patient Follow-Up Workflow.